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All warning lights stay on after starting ea81

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I did a quick search and just wont to clairify before I get left at the side of the road with a dead battery:


The other night I started my brumby and all the warning lights, except oil pressure, stayed on. Brake fluid, charge, handbrake, tail lamps where the ones that where left on. I found it highly unlikely they all failed at once so decided to drive. Kept checking them during transit and about 5 minutes into my commmute they went out, I make it back home. I go out and start it the next morning and its back to normal.


Is this a dodgy alt? Can you just replace the diode bridge in the Alt?

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sounds like your alt or possibly battery has issues. you can also check the connections, i'm not EA81 fluent but if the connectors at the alternator are bad...corroded, weak, broken, brittle plastic, you may get similar issues. fix soon, this weakens batteries and alternators.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it sounds like it's putting out enough


but, measure in AC (not airco, alternating current) this time, you'll check your diodes this way, I don't know the exact number, but ideally this would be 0V


also, like gary said, check all the wiring, I know some cars have solid positive wires going to the starter and they get brittle over time.

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A friend of mine recently replaced the alt. in his brat, without disconnecting the battery. Ended up frying the fusable link. Car wouldn't start but would turn over. When it was turning over it showed all the warning lights.

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I'm thinking just get a new alternator. I'm not the best person to ask, but in my 91 Loyale, I revved it up way too high doing broadies in a snowy parking lot. Car died, and when I turned it back on, all dash lights wanted to stay on.



Was def the alternator. Got a new one, and fixed.

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  Cougar said:
If you can get a remanufactured Bosch unit I think you will be happy with it. Like another poster mentioned, since the alternator output is hot, disconnect the battery before working on the alternator.


I had one of these fail on me. Turn the key, no warning lights at all. Start it like that and it would run for ten minutes before the digidash started dieing. But if I whacked it with a wrench til the dash light came on before starting, it would charge and work fine. Eventually I replaced it. But I won't buy a Bosch anything again.

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  Gloyale said:
I had one of these fail on me. Turn the key, no warning lights at all. Start it like that and it would run for ten minutes before the digidash started dieing. But if I whacked it with a wrench til the dash light came on before starting, it would charge and work fine. Eventually I replaced it. But I won't buy a Bosch anything again.


My unit worked just fine and it came with a lifetime warranty. Sorry to hear you had problems with yours.

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