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Forensic Questions...EA-82

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I Bought an EA-82 for $100 a little over a year ago. It came with the engine in "pull out" condition, alt, a/c compressor, ps pump all still attached. Got the ECU, wiring harness, complete intake ducts and filter box, cat Y pipe, and the fuel pump.


I got it from an individual the said he pulled it from a wrecked Loyale wagon with 120K on it. Anyway, after disassembly I was left wondering what the hell happened to this engine.


The pcv system was clogged completly with parafin as was the cam carriers and top of each head. Only the rod bearings showed any wear and a couple of light scratches in one cyl.


The oil pan has about a 1 inch dent in the lower leading edge. Could the reduced size of the pan and lack of useful baffling caused the oil to foam and react with blowby gasses or what?


I have not seen this much wax in an engine since high school when I tore down my dad's 427 Cobra motor (in an F150, not a Cobra though). It had had 20 years worth of the older Quaker State formula, but the newer oils are not suposed to break down like that.


Has anyone else seen this in the OHC models or just me?

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