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99 Outback headlight adjustment screws

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I’m in need of new headlight adjustment screws for a 99 Outback. I tried NAPA, Autozone, Parts Plus, etc and none of those places can get me a new set. I tried Spurr Subaru and they told me I needed to order a whole new headlight assembly. My local JY’s aren’t any help either.


I actually only need one of the plastic pieces that connects the adjustment screw to the headlight but I thought I’d replace all the screws while I was at it. If anybody knows where I can get a new set I’d appreciate the help or if anyone has one of those plastic clip sitting around I be happy to buy it off you.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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You're probably not going to find any screws specifically for the headlight. You may be able to find some generic ones that work at your local autoparts stor or hardware store.


Your other option is to see if a member has one, or get a broken headlight from a junkyard for cheap.

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Thanks for the help, seems we’re thinking along the same lines. I went through all the non-Subaru adjusters at the parts store yesterday afternoon and couldn’t find anything close. I called a couple of local JY’s and nobody seems to have a broken headlight with intact plastic adjusters. I guess the plastic gets pretty fragile with age or the JY’s I called just don’t want to look that hard for something that isn’t in their computer inventory (most likely the later).

I’ve decided to try my hand a whittling a set… well not quite whittling but close. I straightened my adjuster screws and gave them a good cleaning with the wire wheel and they look almost brand new. I’ve got a chunk of nylon and I roughed out a set of the plastic “sockets” using a hacksaw, file, drill, and dremel. I drilled out the end and then did some preliminary grinding to round out the inside of the socket with the dremel. With a little grease it easily snapped over the ball end of the adjuster screw and seems to hold in there very securely.

I’m feeling pretty good about a free fix, I actually think they are going to work but time will tell. I’ve only got about 30 minutes time invested in the two I’ve roughed so far and I’m going to get out my calipers tonight and file them to final dimensions (and make them a little more aesthetically pleasing, I know nobody will see them but I’m anal and I care!).

I hate to kluge something together but at 222,210 miles I’ll take the free fix, if it works that is, if not I guess I’ll be calling the local JY’s and seeing if they will let me walk the lots with them to examine broken headlights. (unfortunately walking the lots either by yourself or even accompanied by an employee is getting more and more difficult in our sue happy society).

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