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Think it might pass emissions?

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I can't get the Code 34 and 35 off in my Loyale - it's not the solenoids, doesn't seem to be the wiring, so may be an ECU problem. I don't have one and I need to get this thing licensed and on the road.


The car runs really well, and a Check Engine Light in a car this old does not cause your car to fail here in AZ. Got a fresh tuneup, oil, new rear cat and muffler, and some RXP in the tank.


So, the question is, what are the odds that it might pass emissions - one in a million? 50-50? What do you think?



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That's what I'm talkin about - Thanks for some great ideas!


CRC, lean it out, and I'll make sure to get a new gas cap, I've failed that one before with other cars.


We get a free re-test within 30 days if we bring sales receipts, etc. of repairs made, but I'm hoping to avoid that.

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