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i know this has been discussed here b4 but i cant find it 1998 legacy 200k timing belt snapped while i was driving, didnt hear any big noise or chatter i didnt even know it happened till i looked at the tach what are the chances of no motor damage? i was driving easy at around 35-40 mph

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There is a good chance of bent valves and/or dinged pistons. However there is a chance that no damage was done. A cylinder compression test would help identify if any damage was done (of course a new belt would have to be hung on first). Unless you happen to have a 2,2L and if '98 2,2L was non-interference (can't remember off hand what year if any those became interference).

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nope, the 1998 2.2's are interference as well, so you're out of luck on that one. in 1997 MY all 2.2's were interference. a friend of mine has repaired a few and other than bent valves he hasn't seen any real damage. which isn't a huge deal, but it is significant labor so the costs escalate quickly. a couple dollars for valves....hundreds in labor.

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yes there is a chance, i can't give you a risk analysis or exact numbers, but probably a small chance. a mechanic should be able to do a leak down test. mechanics have those tools and they are easy to do, only requires removing the spark plug and moving the cam which is really easy...particularly since your belt is broke! leak downs are easy to do and can be done without a timing belt, unlike a compression test. these are excellent motors, if the vehicle is in good condition it would likely be worth checking.

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