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Which years and models have this part? (cruise control)

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Can anyone tell me what years and models have this little piece on the passenger side intake manifold? This is a little nipple that the vacuum line from the cruise control servo attaches to. Since mine came without CC, I just have a plug. Anyone know the formal name for this part?


I know that Imprezas 98-01 have them, but I'm not sure about anything else. Junkyards with Soobies are in short supply around here, and I figured I'd let my fingers do the walking. So far I've found only a '93, and if I can I'd like to avoid driving all over the place to find the part.




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You're in luck: I saved those little bags and boxes with part labels on them from my c.c. kit.

This part is "Connector - vac hose", 87019FA010. Note the plug may be hard to remove.

Also, some people just spliced a T-fitting into one of the hoses already connected to the manifold.

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