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bay area junkyard has like 6-7 old subis

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hey all, for those who live in the CA bay area, the pick-your-part in hayward has like 6-7 decent subies. i think like 2-3 were dual range cars. had one loyale in pretty good shape and a maroon GL with a pretty clean grey interior. i think i'm going back in two weeks, if anyone is looking for something smallish and easy to pull let me know. it will be there 50% off weekend so stuff will be cheap.


there are like 4-5 yards near that one, but they all had nothing. the yard next door said they had an early 80's one, but i didn't see it.

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Thanks for keeping an eye out. The Bay area has one of the highest concentrations of Subarus in the whole country, and no road salt. So it's not really too surprising to hear there are 7 in the yard.


Now if you found a Yard here in Wisconsin with 7 soobs, I'd be like :eek::confused::eek::confused::eek::confused:

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  SubaRube said:
They do have a decent selection some times. They go through them

quicker than most yards though, so you need to keep an eye on it.

According to their website the 50% off sale was Aug.11-13. That sucks.


Unfortunately it's not that they sell all the parts off of them, but they seem to crush them WAY before the Hondas and Fords :mad:


And yeah, I missed that sale too :banghead:

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  misledxcracker said:
Unfortunately it's not that they sell all the parts off of them, but they seem to crush them WAY before the Hondas and Fords :mad:


And yeah, I missed that sale too :banghead:


guys guys, they're having another sale on the 31st :) they do go through them quick, but i bet a few will still be there.

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They might not salt the roads, but they are awefully close to the coast. And the wind comming off the saltwater seems to do a number on the old sube's in the area.


A buddy of mine, ShannonSF, lives there. And his Subaru is all but gone due to the rust problem there. We hit the hayward yard a few years ago, and saw rust problems on almost every subaru there.


If you want the subaru junkyard of all junkyards, head to Carson City Nevada!



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I've always noticed that a number of the Subes I see at that

JY aren't even from the area, so the rust isn't necessarily from

here. It's weird, I've never noticed any problems with rust around

here before. No wait, Yeeeaaaaah all the cars over at the Haystack

pick-your-part are rusted out. No need for anyone to go there. More

to choose from for me.:grin:


Last year I scored a set of polished Premiers off an RX for $60 during

the sale. And just five fingers for a bunch of EGR solenoids.LOL

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  TheSubaruJunkie said:
They might not salt the roads, but they are awefully close to the coast. And the wind comming off the saltwater seems to do a number on the old sube's in the area.


A buddy of mine, ShannonSF, lives there. And his Subaru is all but gone due to the rust problem there. We hit the hayward yard a few years ago, and saw rust problems on almost every subaru there.


If you want the subaru junkyard of all junkyards, head to Carson City Nevada!




you must be born in CA. even the worst pacifica raised car i've seen pails in comparison to cars in the midwest or northeast. in places like st. louis/chicago you don't see any 70's/80's daily drivers they are all long gone to the crusher in the sky. CA cars are insane. my 94 loyale, 87 vw vanagon, and 92 f350 are virtually rust free. the 81 vanagon i owned 15 years ago in st. louis when i was 16yo was already completely rusted through in some parts. every time i climb under my CA cars i shake my head in amazement.


and, to those in the rust belt, i know there are 70/80's daily drivers out there, even clean ones. but it's not like here. when i moved here i saw more pre 79 vw busses in one week then i did in my entire 6 year stay in chicago -- that is not an exageration.


that said, all the cars i saw at haward were pretty clean. i'm sure some had some surface rust here or there. my rust scale is based on my rust belt upbringing, where if there isn't holes in the floor for dropping smoke bombs through, then it's a solid car.

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No, i was born in Chicago, but raised in Alaska, where they did salt the roads. I know about rust :)


Here is a picture of an A-Bar i got from the Hayward pick-your-part way back in the day (probably 4 years ago or something).



It was a CA car, so i assume it was sold in CA. Title, registration, documents i found all verified its residency in the bay area. Some of the worse rust ive ever had to deal with.

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In the late 80's I had 2 Nova's, a 62 and a 63, a 67 American, and a

72 VW Squareback. All three 60's cars were from the Bay Area and the

VW was from Michigan of all places. The VW was the only one that had

any rust, besides the usual exhaust-rot of course. That Michigan rust

was brutal. Never seen anything like that out here. I have a tiny spot of

rust on the tailgate of my GL that hasn't grown in the 4 years I've had it,

and I live about five minutes from the shoreline in San Lo. I will say that

the 4130 cromo bikes I rode when I was a kid would get a fine sheen of

rust on the surface if you didn't take care of 'em, but it was nothing a

little steel wool couldn't take out.

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