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da Chevrolet Cobalt

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hey i was wondering wat you guy think of the Cobalt. i think its just another piece of crap built by GM. cheap inside materials and stuff like that. if you have driven one i would like to hear from you. later!!!

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I drive many different types of cars every day. The Cobalt is pretty much a slightly improved Cavalier. What I mean is, instead of a new Cavalier feeling like a brand-new 1972 Pinto, the new Cobalts (and HHR) feel a little more refined and modern than before...but just a little.


That's when they're new.


There has been no improvement in the GM products as they age, especially the bottom feeders like Cobalts, Malibus, and all the Saturns (this includes some Pontiacs, Buicks and even some lower Cadillacs). The same large amount of things either fall or break off, like door handles and switches for example, as before..no real improvement.


You could do worse...PT Cruiser=voted "Worst POS"


Just my 2 bucks

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Not being a GM fan, when a buddy of mine bought a new Cobalt LS & took me for a ride in it, I was suprised at the quality of the piece. It's smooth, quiet, and suprisingly solid feeling. Will that solidity last the term of the payments is yet to be seen though.




My friend bought one, rode and drove like a civic much improved over the cavalier. Can't say anything about longevity he only had about 20,000 on it.

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I know the earlier ones had many issues, like leaking sunroofs so bad you had to keep a bucket on the seat, the rear decklid would rattle internally due to glue not holding the framework to the skin, and I have seen a couple just randomly loose a taillight. I haven't looked at them because these cars don't interest me- they're a little sidewinder FWD, and they have a bowtie on them.

I will agree, the PT is a horrible car. You can't drive down the highway with the windows open because the rapidly changing air pressure will cause a "booming" noise in the car. The rear brakes have continuous problems, and the ride isn't that great especially with the firm seats.

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since my mom has a cobalt the thing i hate the most is the rear seat backs they are to straight and they hurt your back on long trips the only cool thing is the audio system thats it. btw my mom's is an 06' and i'm telling you that its just a piece of crap. i mean you cant notice it cuz they're still new just wait a few more years or miles. keep the opinions coming.

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Not being a GM fan, when a buddy of mine bought a new Cobalt LS & took me for a ride in it, I was suprised at the quality of the piece. It's smooth, quiet, and suprisingly solid feeling. Will that solidity last the term of the payments is yet to be seen though.
good luck to your friend with that!!!
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the thing i hate the most is the rear seat backs they are to straight and they hurt your back on long trips


I find this is true on almost all of GMs sedans. The rear seats are an after-thought (more like no-thought actually)


Incidentally, I rent out a few Cobalts where I work, and folks dont complain TOO much.


YEP.... pretty much a done-over cavalier.

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