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Intermittent wiper not working


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Ok...the wipers on my '86 RX work great EXCEPT for the intermittent setting. If you flip it from off to intermittent, it wipes once and that's it, no matter how long you wait for the second wipe. The low and high wiper settings work perfectly fine, however.


So my question is: What's the first thing I should check? Is there a relay somewhere that controls this function?

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When my intermittent wipers broke, it was because some internal contacts in the wiper motor gearbox were all mangled, and not making the proper connections. I opened up the wiper gearbox, straightened the contacts, and the problems went away instantly. No problems at all since then.

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Relay for the intermittent wipers on an 87 is located on the lower panel below the steering column. The one you remove to get to the ECU.


I asked if they park because if you disconnect that relay the int. wipers don't work or park.


I don't think the relay is your problem.


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Ok...the reason i double-checked your meaning was that with some more expensive cars after the wipers are off for a few seconds will actually "park" the wipers (i.e. move them to a lower position than normal for aerodynamic reasons) and I was pretty sure the Subarus didn't do that...LOL :-)


The only time it doesn't seem to return to the original position is if you turn the switch back off before the wiper is done with the sweep. (For example, if you turn to intermittent and leave it there it will make one full sweep and return to the normal position, then stop. If you turn to intermittent then turn back to off before the wiper cycle is done, it will do the same thing but stops a few inches short of the normally parked position.)


I'm not sure if this is what you were talking about though? :cornfuzz:

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Shane, it does sound like the problem is with the park position sensor in the wiper motor.

There is a ground on the cover of the wiper motor gear box cover.

This cover also serves purpose as the park sensor gound plate.

Check the ground at the cover and the swiper inside the cover.

Sometimes grease can get on this swiper and cause intermitant problems.

If all this checks out, and the plug for the wiper motor is in okay shape then the intermitant timer modual should be checked.

This timer is mounted to the trim panel under the st. col. and can have bad solder joints causing this intermitant problem.

These are also problematic when the wipers do the "herky jerk" in the int. position.

Check the wiper motor cover plate first.

Hope this helps

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