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Scott in Bellingham

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  Zapar said:
"Zap and Qman rescue Bob from the mud hole while 8-10 other Hatch Patrollers stand around like they have no idea what to do."


Pretty much sums up what was happening there. Junkie had the good sense to grab the camera. Everybody else just froze like deer in the headlights.


thanks Zap that pretty much sums things up when your stuck, Hey are you going to wheel that Blue Brat of yours? just like in your video?

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  Zapar said:
She went in, but crawled out when I got stuck. That would be her in the background. Keeper indeed, 10 years together so far.



And with a beautiful young boy now too;)

That was so long ago, I couldnt remember if she got out or not.

Didnt we use my old blue Hatch and try a Daisy Chain to pull you out? I think I had to quit because my clutch was burning up.

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