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Riddle me this, Batman, why does my ABS light come on during highway driving around 2800 RPM, never comes on around town and if i shut off motor and continue highway driving sometimes itll stay off, I'm puzzled




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Riddle me this, Batman, why does my ABS light come on during highway driving around 2800 RPM, never comes on around town
What happens if you downshift and drive at a lower road speed that still has the engine RPM at 2800?



and if i shut off motor and continue highway driving sometimes itll stay off, I'm puzzled[...]
I'm puzzled too :-\ ; please explain what you mean by "shut off motor and continue highway driving" in a bit more detail.
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Since the symptoms seem to be speed related:


Do you drive on particularly dusty or muddy roads often? If so, you might simply have a dirty sensor that is border line sensing - try using a high pressure (not too high) sprayer at local car wash and cleaning the inside wheels from underneath. Otherwise, physically inspecting the sensors on the inside wheel may be needed, and spray cleaning with a non-chlorine brake cleaner. While rare, the ABS sensors can also get damaged by continually abrasive road sand, dust, etc.


Might be something else totally, like the charging system Porcupine73 eluded to, but that is where I'd start...

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If the alt were pushing AC then it should light up all the warning indicators. This happens because AC voltage defeats the diode's in the ground circuits used by the warning indicators. At any rate it should be happening based on engine RPM and not vehicle speed as you describe. At least that's my take on it, and I've dealt with a number of failed alternators putting out AC.



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it's common for the wheel speed sensors to need replacement. dig around on here and find the endwrench instructions for pulling the code. if the ABS light is coming on, it's telling you what the problem is and will tell you the code. it's very simple to do if you're comfortable grounding one pin of a wiring harness. it's just about the gas pedal.

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Riddle me this, Batman, why does my ABS light come on during highway driving around 2800 RPM, never comes on around town and if i shut off motor and continue highway driving sometimes itll stay off, I'm puzzled




Where's The Penguin when you need him?


Read the codes and see what it says , If its code 42 check the alternator




98 Leg Abs codes.doc

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