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Intermittent Surge on 1984 GL Wagon

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:confused: :confused: I am scratching my head on this one...a lot. I have a 1984 carburated GL wagon that surges occasionally. Starting and running cool is fine. When the engine temp reaches operating temperature it begins to surge like a lean surge, but after a little more driving the surge goes away. Once the rig is turned off and restarted when warm it surges again but goes away and runs fine after a little bit. I have changed the filters, tried a couple different carbs, checked all vacuum lines, adjusted and readjusted fuel mixture, and several other things. Plugs, wires, cap, rotor are all good. The fuel runs at the correct psi and this problem persists. Any suggestions?
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Throw a timing light on it and see if the timing is changing. i dont remeber if this has a vac advanced on it. If it does disconnect it. This will tel you with the timing light if the carb is doing something weird. or the dist is.




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Thanks for the help guys. I am trying to get my hands on another dist but funding is tight. I really do appreciate the help. Will let you know what happens.



Throw a timing light on it and see if the timing is changing. i dont remeber if this has a vac advanced on it. If it does disconnect it. This will tel you with the timing light if the carb is doing something weird. or the dist is.




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