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Heater Core


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yeah, I called to see if I could cancel the order, he said the order's already been placed, so I'm just wondering if it's not a big deal to burn them, or....

If you called them to cancel they know you don't need it so I wouldn't be fussed... Worst case they call you and you say "I tried to cancel the order"

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you do not need to do anything but tell them you do not want it, and there's no reason to feel bad. i vote for being honest and up front. even if it feels awkward, things end better that way and you did the right thing. in the end that $140 part isn't going to make or break them. by calling you keep them from wasting their time calling you, holding on to the part and they can decide to keep or send it back, maybe even write it off some how, either way you're letting them make the best decision for them. here is what they do, when it becomes too big of a problem for businesses they just begin charging for any special order parts when you order them. obviously they have not gotten to that point yet, but you may have helped them get a little closer! some NAPA's do require payment before hand.


i'd scarf that $10 heater core up too...that's a lie, i'd buy 2, but a i'm a soob part hoarder. it appears auction frontier is involved in that website in some way, they've caused me to part hoard quite a few times in the past. they've done great with XT6 parts, always been the right ones for me. can't say that about NAPA who's handed me a 4 point distributor for an XT6 before and their prices suck anyway?

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