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Portland Area Parts Stores that Stock EA-81 parts?


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Heya all, this post is for all you portland area guru's .. I'm having a hard time finding a simple header down pipe gasket (the stock gasket for a 2 bolt stock style header pipe, between the header and the exhause manifold) and I have found a few that can order one in a few days, but none so far that stock one. I live in Oregon City now with my parents (to help my dad's accident recovery) but I have no problem going anywhere in the greater portland area or even Vancouver WA if needed to find a good store who will get me the right gasket the first time.


Thanks in advance!:banana:



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Thanks all for the info! I found one that fits here locally at the Clackamus Auto Parts, and the Napa across the street will have the other one ordered in today at 10:30. I really felt stupid when you mentioned Lithia GD, because I had noticed it the first time I came into town but didn't think about it since I am used to Missoula where everyone still drives older subarus, and you can get them at any parts store. the other problem I have run into is that my over-sized stud bolt isn't going to let the orginal gasket fit anyway, and all the other studs are now loose and now even the over-sized one too. I was going to try JB-Welding them in, but it's too high temp for that:dead: . Anyone have a suggestion for fixing this other than having a machine shop weld up and re-drill the holes?:confused:

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heli-coil, and lots of loctite. Not as cheap as the 7/16ths (?) stud fix, but less than welding the head. Or, cut the flanges off the Y pipe, rotate them 90 degrees, and use the other set of stud holes? EA81 have them? Again, not as cheap as the standard stud fix, but it could be worse.

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