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99 Subaru Legacy tire ware

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Had cupping on previous tire. Got new tires three months ago, with wheel alignment, they said camber was -1.0 deg on front drivers side and could not be adjusted. Now notice getting same cupping on inside edge of same tire. Bushings look fine. Any thoughts? I dont want them soaking me for all sorts repairs when I take it in for diagnosis.

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Unless something is bent, they should be able to adjust it to spec. A bent suspension part, or a bad strut will cause cupping.


WHo did you take it too? This isnt rocket science, they should have been able to tell you why they cant adjust it.




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mileage is 140,000. When I bought it four years ago it had about 95,000 and the previous tires were showing the same problem. I dont know if and when the previous owner replaced struts. When I push up and down on the car the shocks seem okay (little bounce).

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If just the left front tire is cupping, then there's gotta be a problem with the suspension, or possibly a wheel abnormality. Something's just not right with the left front side.

If the camber is off and can't be adjusted, find out why; although I'm not sure if an off camber would cause cupping.

Possibly your Subie was once in a collision, or have been hit by another car at the left front wheel area? Or suffered a severe, traumatic jolt by hitting a really bad pothole?

When driving, do you notice any kind of irregularity in the steering, or any kind of vibration?

If you take your hands off the steering wheel when the car is going down a flat, level road, does in pull or drift to one side?

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The car does drive straight whenhands off, no shaking etc. On the older tires there was some, but less, cupping on other passenger front tire on the inner side. By the way, at this point the cupping/wear only extends in about 1/3 inch from the edge of tire. I'll try taking a picture of it when it gets a little brighter (and stops raining).

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they said camber was -1.0 deg on front drivers side and could not be adjusted.
Maybe the eccentric/camber upper strut bolt to bearing housing bolt is already at the limits of its adjustment. If so you could try a ingalls or intrax or other camber bolt; those allow a little more adjustment.
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Here's what they look like. I bought these for my scorpion/king spring but didn't need them:




There is a really good article on endwrench somewhere about how to do Subaru alignment. It shows all the adjustments and how much turning the various fasteners will change the settings.

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By now the average 99 is going to have needed a set of struts and tie rod ends and ball joints would be suspect as well as the bushings should be checked. If there is wear you can adjust it all you want and it will go right out again.




Such a pessamist.


Blu just got his first ball joint at 210,000 miles :P



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Well Mavis Tire put the tires on and did the alignment so I guess they should be blamed!:banana:


Well my Mom just got back from Mavis Tire in Carmel, NY and they "re-checked" THIER alignment 20,000 miles ago and said the alignment is 20 degrees off and that is why ALL FOUR INNER TREADS WORE OUT!!:mad: Charged her $75 for a new alignment, and sent her on her way! I am guessing they will NOT stand behind the tires now!!:banghead:

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Well my Mom just got back from Mavis Tire in Carmel, NY and they "re-checked" THIER alignment 20,000 miles ago and said the alignment is 20 degrees off and that is why ALL FOUR INNER TREADS WORE OUT!!:mad: Charged her $75 for a new alignment, and sent her on her way! I am guessing they will NOT stand behind the tires now!!:banghead:


I would DEMAND new tires.



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