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ball joints???

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I've already taken everything apart and need to remove the ball joint but it's being quite contrary. I can't put the nut back on cuz it's too flugged up. I've removed that little bolt that clamps it's housing (or whatever that thing is) shut. I've pried and pried, but it's not moving. I think I was supposed to leave the bearing housing in the car to do it... but it's too late now. I've been trying to grab it with channel locks to pull it out but that doesn't work either. What should I do? I need the car for tomorrow so it's kinda urgent. Thanks guys.

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if all is normal - healthy slamming to pry that opening open will work just fine. hammer and a chisel.


if it's corroded and seized in there at all - you need heat. heat the outer perimter, not the actual ball joint itself. a good torch is best, but a propane may work if it's not too bad and they're cheap and more readily available.

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