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And the cycle begins again


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I declared my Hatch done a couple of weeks ago, a three year work in progress. I was going to limit work to mantenance and things that broke from abuse etc. Well, I finaly got around to replacing the broken antena and when I jacked it up I discovered bad ball joints and inner tierods, the ball joints I replaced in the begining of this project ( I never replaced the innner tierods). This time I will be using genuine Subaru parts, a little extra money but well worth it!! And so it begins again :rolleyes: Tim

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me too...


I was telling my wife the about a month ago.. "BRAT is done, OBS check engine light is gone, SVX is running like a top... all is good in the Subaru Fleet"


whamm.. crappy EA81 tranny mounts start to rip.

Got those replaced with these...



thanks to Scottf and while I was down there I notice that my pass side inner boot is off the DOJ and with the stiffer mounts I am getting a slight drivetrain vibration.


Ohhh.. and the AC compressor in the SVX took a crap.



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