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Colorado Members End of Season BBQ DATE SET 10/20 Change in plans!

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Alright fellow CO Folks, are we ready for another meet? End of Season BBQ?

Idea has been tossed around between a few of us, so throwing it out there now so we can set a date/plan. So far just thinking another BBQ at my place in October. All the usuals know my house and always cool to fill my rather large driveway with Subaru's for pics :headbang:


Remember this?


That led to this...


(Though no more playing in that nearby public electrical land, if you didn't hear I got yelled at for it. The horse land next to it is owned by a you know what ;))


EDIT:Possible change in plans, see Beefaru's post later in the thread guys....

PM BeffaRu for directions etc.....IS NOT BEING HELD AT MY HOUSE ANYMORE!

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--Off topic but of course us Coloradans' like to blab--

I have a few pics of your hatch from before it's transformation, if you want them I can send them to you or put them on one of my server's for you to download. I took them that first day you really had it out and over to my house after the engine work...believe it was the first time you drove my lifted rig too :-) In fact it was this day:


We need to get another one now that your transformation is close to being done (not like any rig is ever done really..) A Before & After :headbang:


Let's get dates available in October from most people then set a date :burnout:


Edit: Here's a good before~after pics of your rig Jerry :) gotta love your friends with cameras that use them ;)



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  DrKrazy said:
Alright fellow CO Folks, are we ready for another meet? End of Season BBQ?

Idea has been tossed around between a few of us, so throwing it out there now so we can set a date/plan. So far just thinking another BBQ at my place in October. All the usuals know my house and always cool to fill my rather large driveway with Subaru's for pics :headbang:


Remember this?


That led to this...


(Though no more playing in that nearby public electrical land, if you didn't hear I got yelled at for it. The horse land next to it is owned by a you know what ;))


Now im curious is that a subaru gathering or just someones collection of subarus:lol:

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  yodannyc said:
Im definitely down! i've been wanting to meet all of you guys! Either weekend would work for me! by the way where is this house located? addy wise


If you know how to get out to the colorado mills mall area myself or someone else could meet you at parking lot around there and take you from that point.

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Really not hard to find at all, will post up directions/addy/etc once we set a date............



But yea I'm very close to the Colorado Mills area, really right up behind the Jefferson County Fairgrounds.

Someone go kick Shawn, Jeff, Rick, the Tom's, and anyone else who hasn't responded :lol:

Also has anyone heard from Eric (Beefaru) recently? I know he has been super busy but maybe I'll give him a call too...always a pleasure to see his wagon even though we won't touch it :lol:

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always a pleasure to see his wagon even though we won't touch it :lol:


I remember that comment you made about that and it reminded me of being a kid looking at new motorcycles with my dad and having my hands in my pockets and being good so I didn't make any smudge marks with my hands on the nice shiney paint.:lol:

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Man am I glad I checked in!

The screensaver on the computer started throwing up pix from the meet last year & had me thinkin'.....and sure enough!


Went to Chicago and back in the Beefaru just a few weeks ago. Not too far from 200k on that 96 2.2.



I've been jonezing to go up that 4wd trail outside of Georgetown before its too cold/snowy.

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Funny how I start talking about you Eric and you pop in! Saves me the trouble of going to your house since I couldn't find your number anywhere....


Looking like the weekend of the 20/21...and thinking Saturday over Sunday..

So what do you guys think Saturday the 20th???


Yea let's try for that date, edited first post with more info, location, etc...

Who's bringing what???

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