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Odd noises

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A few weeks ago I noticed a clicking coming from the front passenger side of my 87 wagon while decelerating on a right hand turning downhill. I checked the brakes and lug nuts and the castle nut, but didn't change the noise. It seems to have gone away now. There's a new noise that I'm concerned about though. Once again coming from the front passenger side, but this time its a chirping sound that happens when decelerating on a flat or declined surface going straight. When I tap the brakes the noise goes away until i let off the brakes, same with the hand brake, and the noise also stops when I put in the clutch pedal and returns when I let my foot off the pedal in gear. Next chance I get I will check the brakes again to see if the spring clip has come loose or anthing else that is dependant on rotation. Any other ideas? Thanks

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I'd vote for the CV joint(s) as well - it's usually a "clicka-clicka" noise, and usually when you're making turns it's more prevalent.


You might try experimenting with reverse and turns in reverse to see if you can make it happen. Also, check your CV boots - it they have slices in them, it's probabaly a given. How many miles?


Don't mean to Hijack, but I have a weird noise that's developed myself ...


My ROOF has started to "Boom!" when I hit different bumps ... it's pretty much just like the sound you'd make if you were pushing-down on it enough to make it crease. Sounds like a big drum.


To me, that means there's a new stress happenning on it. I'm not too rusty, but ... :eek: man, that would suck to have the unibody with a slice in it somewhere ...


Anyone else ever have this?

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i have the same roof boom noise (also the clicking but thats another more expensive issue.)


The roof boom is a support gone loose. They are glued on and most likely have come unglued over time. Its only an inconvience. IF you look up in search it should show how to fix it but it involves removing the headliner and positioning and glueing it back into place.





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Good luck finding the cause of the noise.

It does sound like a CV issue though.

Just redid both sides on mine.

I have a few noises of my own as well. Hitting bumps causes the left front to make a hollow metallic "loose part" sound. And accelerating in low gears gives me a quiet "knock knock" sound from the same wheel that speeds up with road speed. (Thought maybe my CV boot hose clamp started hitting, but no)

Everything seems tight, wheelbearings are new, and some days no noises at all..... So I know how frustrating tracking them down is.


I just call the booming from my roof "The GL war drum". :lol:

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Thanks for the replies. Haven't found it yet, and the clicking is completely gone now. At the risk of sounding completely stupid...what does FTW mean anyway?

I was JUST THINKING about when I had to ask this smae question not three minutes before I refreshed the forum page after checking all the new threads, to see what had happened while I was going through it all!!!


"For The Win."


Sometimes it means "eff the world" but thats more of an alternate interpretation.. usually in forum use it is obviously for the win.


in a word, it means :headbang:

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  • 3 weeks later...

So all the other noises that I was complaining about are gone. Turns out that the castle nut was loose on the drivers side. The clunking when driving and the ability to get my car on a lift to check it out helped me find that, so I tightened it and all noises were gone for a few days. Now there's a creaking/scratching sound that is more pronounced at lower speeds. I cranked down the castle nut again and they subsided for about a day and now I still hear it every now and then. It sounds like a piece of stiff metal rubbing on something, but only happens for about 20 degrees of rotation of the wheel and I couldn't find anything rubbing. Any thoughts?

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  • 4 years later...

I just did a search for "roof booming noise" and found this thread. Good to know the cause! I might try making a few holes in the foam liner and squirting some silicone caulk or something up there to see if the noise stops. Can't hurt anything, eh? (I hope)

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