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looking for a brat


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well the time has come and we want to import a 1978 brat

so if any one knows about 1978 brat i"ll be glad to be noted about that.

also i want to bring parts for my 81 brat to add in the shipment so i"m searching for decent tailgate and 4 white spoke rims

any help is welcomed

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I recently found a website called crazedlist.org.


It's a search engine for craigslist ads.


Try looking at it for BRATs. They are a few in the west coast, but then you would have to ship it across the US to get it to a port on the West Coast.



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  • 1 month later...

just wanted to thank all the ones who helped me in the search for one,

glad to say we found one here in israel,1979 in rough condition but nothing we cant handle hope for some pics soon elad:banana:

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