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Lovin Hitatchies

Guest taprackready

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Guest taprackready

In reading all these threads about Webers, I'm loving my hitachie more and more. Consistant starting in hot and cold weather O mods to make it work and best of all it came from a wrecked car for $$$FREE. I've desmogged the 82 brat, ripped out the computer, capped off all uneeded vacuum lines and advanced the ignition.


With a FEEDBACK carb desmogged, it tends to run rich so when I put on my header system it should be just right and not too lean. Plus I get 29 miles to the gallon and it has plenty of power. Just my opinion of course and I don't expect anybody else to share it.


Bill-lovin the hitachie

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My Weber runs fine - and I'll bet you $1000 that it starts and drives off quicker than your hitachi.


But that's not the reason we use them - we use them because they flow better, and in the quest for moster low-end torque, you need that extra fuel and air - no way to get it with the hitachi. Also - it radically simplify's the emmisions systems (there are none), and allows easier mounting of things like snorkels, and manual choke's ect. Also - when it comes time to have it rebuilt, any shop around town can do it for $50. They really are a superior carb, and the reason you hear people trying to work out the bugs is because more and more people are switching all the time. There's always someone who has *just* completed the swap, and is having trouble getting his setup just right. Once you have them dialed in, they are AWSOME. Much better than the Hitachi.


And when you start modifying things like the cam, and decking the heads, etc etc - you run into a wall with the Hitachi - it can't keep up with the demands of the engine, and becomes a real bottleneck. The Weber has no problem with engines up to 3.0L in size, and thus can be jetted correctly for a high performance EA81 to realize it's full potential. In this arena, there is no comparison because the Hitachi simply cannot keep up.


Oh - and the sound they make is just too cool.



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If a weber is properly tuned it should beat any Hitachi. But a good Hitachi will beat a poorly tuned weber. The Hitachi on my wagon is bullet proof. I can let the car sit for 3 weeks, with a 1/2 dead batter, and before the 4th stroke, the EA81 is idling. But the hitachi in my Brat is a different story.



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