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1992 Legacy wagon

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There is one for sale near me..seems real solid.Its an automatic ,wagon..what are the big differences between the 92 and my 89 GL. I like the 5 speed dual range i have now,but rust is killing it.I had an 88 that was an automatic,and i hated the power of it.At least with the 5 speed i can wind it up.What should i look good or bad? Is it still an EA82? Any better in the power dept.?

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It locks the transmission into the selected gear.


Without it, the transmission shifts from the lowest gear to the gear you select. So if you put the transmission in "2" the car will start in 1st, shift to 2nd and stay there. If you put the car in "2" with the manual button on, the car will start in 2nd and will not shift out of 2nd unless you move the lever to 3.



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