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Brake light on dash


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The light on the dash of the Brat that is supposed to warn you that you are low on brake fluid comes on every time I step on the brake pedal. I have thouroughly gone through the brake system, even replaced all the fluid. Is the problem with the sensor in the top of the resevoir? Can I just run a wire between the two on the top, or will that really mess things up? I am not worried about running out of brake fluid, I religously check all the fluids under the hood 2 or 3 times a week. I know the system is good, just worried about the light on the dash. Any help is good. Thanks.

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Unlike other cars these are fairly reliable switches.


I dont remeber, but you may have a much bigger issue, as in dont drive the car till you find it.


The brake light switch used to be for fluid level AND brake line pressure. If there is an imbalance between the left and right sides of the brake system, the light will come on.


Unplug the connector for the fluid level switch. If the light goes away you found your problem


If the light is still there, check the altenator output with your foot on the brake pedal. A bad altenator will illuminate the brake light.


If that checks out you have to look deeper into the system.



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I don't know if it's the same on the EA81s, but I know that the EA82s also light the "low-brake-fluid" light if 1 of the brake light bulbs is broken, something you could've easily missed, since you can't really check that on your own :rolleyes:

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