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Bucky Is On His Way 2 His New Home

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I have now come to the conclusion that I have no reason to post on the Old school forum anymore...WOW ..just thought of that:-\.


What happend to rocky? I would'nt worry about it. You'll have another EA82 soon.:) As for wearing gloves, I don't either. What's the point? I'm a guy hahaha:lol: :banana: And theres nothing wrong with a girl that has grease/dirt in her nails!:headbang: Plus you can use a fork to get all that up.


Cheer up Connie:)

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As for wearing gloves, I don't either. What's the point? I'm a guy hahaha

When you're sitting on a park bench, running your hand through a girls hair, just about to connect your two sets of lips and she catches a glimpse of the grease in your fingernails... then you start to use gloves while working on cars :lol:

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When you're sitting on a park bench, running your hand through a girls hair, just about to connect your two sets of lips and she catches a glimpse of the grease in your fingernails... then you start to use gloves while working on cars :lol:



Haha, I'm not a pig like that!! I make sure that my hands are clean!:lol: Plus what girl do i have to run my hands thru her hair?? :(


I'm with connie, I like to feel what i'm working on...:grin:

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Plus what girl do i have to run my hands thru her hair?? :(


He didn't literally mean her hair.


Keep your nails clean, is the moral of the story. If you have a girl, then you need to. If you do not at the moment, dirty nails significantly DEcrease your chances of landing one.

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Umm....only if she is a shallow B..which the majority seem to be. Real women will see certain kinds of dirt( we are not talking the never geta bath dirt) as a sign of a working man. The gals I know who arent shallow find men who do stuff like construction,mechanics SEXY ( note my husband is a carpenter...something about that tool belt..prrrrrrrr :grin: )


Real chicks dig scars tattoos and grease ...Of course us real chicks ( Darlingchip,Leaking Oil, Myself) usually have some of our own and we are the ones who will do as much of the work ourselves


WOW..took this off topic huh?

So Jess..when we havin a girls work on your Brat party?;)

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Umm....only if she is a shallow B..which the majority seem to be. Real women will see certain kinds of dirt( we are not talking the never geta bath dirt) as a sign of a working man. The gals I know who arent shallow find men who do stuff like construction,mechanics SEXY ( note my husband is a carpenter...something about that tool belt..prrrrrrrr :grin: )


Real chicks dig scars tattoos and grease ...Of course us real chicks ( Darlingchip,Leaking Oil, Myself) usually have some of our own and we are the ones who will do as much of the work ourselves


WOW..took this off topic huh?

So Jess..when we havin a girls work on your Brat party?;)




I totally agree with you.....of course us real chicks are hard to find and should be appreciated.....well ok....we are hard to find in the big crowd of stuck up bs. I dig the grease and etc. It really means that the man is not afraid to work. I also like it when they have enough patients to teach me to work on cars. Thanks John....BTW we are not married............yet:confused:


I would so love the work on the brat party. It needs a lot of TLC. The poor thing is set on the back burning for the fall and I am hoping to get her running in the spring. I really hate to do it and I thought about selling her b/c I don't want her to sit around. I am thinking about lifting her and I am trying to convince John to put the EJ engine in my brat b/4 his since it needs an engine anyway. Hmmmmm still working on it. :rolleyes:


I will let you know COnnie b/c I am going to need all the help I can get:grin:

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I don't let the girls see the grease under my fingernails until the third date :lol:


You're right in that most girls are shallow and it proves extremely difficult to find a girl who appreciates a man who can work on a car. I did however find one girl that enjoyed going to junkyards with me. Too bad she moved to Laramie :rolleyes:


Wow, I pulled this off topic. Bad Mike. Get back to work.


He didn't literally mean her hair.

Who says I didn't? Ah man, I was dating this one chick, she totally got riled up whenever I ran my hands through her hair.


Bad Mike. Get back to work.

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Its not a bad idea really..... my only problem is finding gloves that I dont rip to shreds in the first minute.



Harbor Freight sells some dark blue nitrite gloves that I swear by. I am pretty rough on gloves and they will easily last me a long time.



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Me? My work day is as follows: come to work...wait on customer....surf forums...answer call....forums.....lunch.....forums.....'nother customer....forums.....HOME!

Sounds close to my work day. I'm a computer tech at the school:

Open the building. Read E-mail. Forums. Surf. Fix a computer. Forums. Show a staff member where the paper is stored. Surf/Forums. Lunch, then off to class.

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