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Fog Replacements (Hella 500)

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I've just ordered a set of Hella 500 fog lights as replacements for my broken old OEM fog lights. I understand from previous posts that they will fit in the OEM 'Sockets'. I also understand that I'll need to fabricate some sort of custom bracket to mount them in the OEM location.

Can anyone offer pictures or some quick tips on how they mounted the 500's? I'd love to have a little insight before I dive-in. Thanks in advance.



'98 OB

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Not quite what you're looking for, but this may give you some ideas. This is how I mounted the Hella 500's on my TS:




Sorry, not very many pictures of the lights themselves, but basically there's a 10mm mounting stud at the bottom of the back of the light. This can be fixed in a vertical or horizontal application so you have a few options for mounting. You want to make sure that it's sturdy or you'll have a strobe effect when you go over bumps and rough roads.


Good luck, let us know how it turns out. I have considered upgrading my 97's fogs to these but haven't managed to break them yet.



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^ Check this out.



I think I've seen what you're talking about, but it's for Imprezas, and made by Kartboy. I considered getting them for my TS but decided to use the method shown in my link above. The Impreza brackets probably wouldn't work for the Legacy OB... then again I could be wrong.




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