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I need new heads in BC now!

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Hello all. I have 2 cracked heads, one severly so. I am being quoted $700 to fix just the heads at a machine shop in grand forks. I'm having serious difficulty finding used un-cracked heads. So, who's got a couple good used ones for sale for a non-turbo'd ae82?


I'll either pick up or ship if you gaurantee them.



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Hey Richard, it's Mike over in Nelson.


First of all, have you already bought a bunch of parts?

Second, what method did you use to verify that the crack is indeed blowing into the coolant passage.

Third, I have a complete (unassembled) engine from my '94 Loyale, as well as new bearings, rings, gaskets, etc. I believe my heads are fine, the engine ran fine until the previous owner drove it without oil (thus the need for new bearings, etc.)

Fourth, I have had the same problem with getting quotes for stupid $$ on parts/service at a lot of places in the Kootenays. Ernies wanted $1200 for a Loyale engine with over 200,000 KM on it. The parts to rebuild it like new cost about half that.


Get back to me here, or miked -at- subarubrat -dot- com.

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sounds like you've looked and found other heads "with cracks", if they're just cracks between the valve seats then buy those. they should be fine. most heads you pull have those cracks, it's more common than not on the EA/ER engines i've worked on.


it may be a good idea to fix the cracks between the valve seats on a turbo engine, just a suggestion. i have them all fixed, at least on all my personal vehicles, though i realize that's not necessary.

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it may be a good idea to fix the cracks between the valve seats on a turbo engine, just a suggestion. i have them all fixed, at least on all my personal vehicles, though i realize that's not necessary.


Not just uneccesary - they will crack again even if you close them. It's just the nature of that head design.



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they will crack again
the place i take mine says they won't. they say welding is not the proper way to fix them, they use stitch pins which they say will hold much better. they are an aluminum head specialist and do thousands of aluminum heads a year for NAPA so they do have sigificant experience. but i'm just regurgitating what they've told me. i've never pulled one apart that i've done.
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Well, I am a ways into it. Thanks Mike, I am glad to know another subie guy is close. Mabye we can form a support group that meets in the deep dark forest and tries to convice ourselves that subie loyales are superior vehicles, while tow vehicles are standing by, :) . Sorry, that's the cranky side of me. I think I saw you and your car a few weeks ago when I was in Nelson. Damn, that was a sweet jacked up subie. I am a bit jelous, One- because it looked rad, and second because it runs! :lol:


The car is pulled apart at a friends garage, waiting engine pieces. I found a good head (no cracks) in the area for 150. That seems a good in comparison to over 500 for a "good head" from the machinist's supplier. I am considering putting the other head with a hairline crack in it back in. What do you all think? The other head had a crack the the mechanic could put his whole fingernail in. This is the one I think is pooched. I will look for a good head, but I don't want to spend that much if it is not needed.


I have purchased a new front axle and felpro head gasket kit for it already. Although I am considering rebuilding a spare engine just incase.


anyhow, thanks for the info and I'd appreciate some feedback on putting the cracked head back in.



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i'd post in the parts wanted forum, $150 sounds insanely high. i just picked up an entire impreza engine for $150 plus tax last week.


these guys in canada have one for $75 (CAN):



these guys want $125:



there's place in the US that want $50 (US) and up.

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there is suby jim in maple ridge who will have some but i'm not sure if he hucked his truck load of engines yet... if you still haven't gotten any then i can give him a shout for you...


if not, there is a company on vancouver island called salt air recylcing... google it or something... they are a subaru specific wrecker and are awesome to work with... they will greyhound them to you... last thing i got from them they gave to me for free... i just had to pay the collect on the shipping...:)

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Hey zefty. I just called them and they have non on their shelves and don't have the manpower to pull engines.


Grossgary - Where in the us for $50? A number or business name is essential!


Hey Mike, How much for just the heads?


A word to the wise - Avoid WESTERN AUTO WRECKERS (250-354-4802) in Nelson as they just screwed me. I talked to them a couple days ago, and they went hunting for heads. They found they had one left one that was good. I asked an employee (lisa) if she knew of another yard that might have one, she passed me to a Jim who said he would try to track one down, no problem. I said "great, but I'll still take yours." So I give it a few hours and call back. I get the owner who says that's not jim's job, and gets angry with me. As if I knew or cared. So, I say I am still wanting the head, what is the final cost with shipping. He gets all pissed off, claiming I am trying to screw with him about price. That he's told me 4 times already (untrue) and he doesn't trust me now. I say "look, I've got my card in my hand. Let me pay for it. Let's get going on this." He says "No, I am not selling to you." So this carries on for a bit, However I really need the head, so I keep tring to reason with him. Like what did I do to offend you? Why are you doing this? This makes no sense? So I hang up, calm down and call him back. He is still being an A**hole. Now he's being ruder. So I figure, whatever, i'll find another one. But the frustrating part is that I need that head. I can reuse my right side, but the left is what's really screwed. And he said it was mine 3 days ago. What a liar! So avoid him if you can as he is quite volitile and unreliable.


So, who's got great leads on heads? Even in the US. I am desperate.



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OK, I remembered that my heads are not exactly "ready to go". They need a valve job and a bit more cleanup to be usable at all. I think I can get dad to do that soon-ish, but if you're in a major rush . . .

If you want to buy the whole package (you had said you were thinking of rebuilding a spare engine), I'll do it for $400 - less than the cost of all the gaskets, rings, bearings, etc that come with it. Basically, aside from the needed valve job, this thing is ready to put together. Case and heads are cleaned of grease, bores have been honed and measure great, ring gaps have been verified, bearings have been measured (but not plastigauged yet). I'm not sure if I want to sell the heads separate at this point, though. Package includes 2 oil pumps, too.

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Oh yeah, re: Western Auto Wreckers.

Like most yards around here, they are hard to deal with sometimes. I remember going there and dealing with the Owner (Clint) directly and having him treat me really well, and then dealing with someone else (his son, or one of the other guys) and have them quote me stupid high prices and treat me bad. I have yet to find a yard in the area that is not like this! It sucks, and is the main reason I now order my parts elsewhere when I can. Bob at Organic Mechanic is usually good (I preferred dealing with his son before he moved away), but only if you show up with tools and say "I need a ___, how much if I pull it myself". Even then sometimes he's difficult.

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Hmmm mike, you're tempting. So, let me get this strait. I give you $400, and you give me a complete rebuilt engine that has been gone through? What is it out of, Milage, what kind of shape are the moving parts in it like (bearings, lifters, cam, pistons, rings, timing belt, water pump, oil pump as I just had the latter 3 things just replaced)? Does this include the efi stuff? How much time to remove the old engine and "pop" the new one in? Will you give me some kind of warrenty? Are the heads cracked at all? Will you deliver it to GF?


I guess I am just concerned about putting in a high milage engine that has been shined up, you know? What can you say to put my mind at ease, I am interested?


What timeline? Can I have it next week?



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Mike, Or is it just a block with heads, and all the parts to make a working engine? I am still interested, but I need to hear from you.






PS: Grossgary - Thank you soooo much for the info. The folks in NY were great. Even with shipping it's still less than ONE head locally. What is wrong with BC? Why is it so much for everything?

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As I said, bro, it's basically ready to put together. This engine came out of a '94 Loyale, which had about 300,000 KM on it. Dad and I disassembled it, cleaned the block, honed the bores, and started cleaning the rest of it up. Heads are pretty clean, but it definitely needs a valve job. A couple of the original valves are not so pretty, but we have spares that are in good shape. Intake manifold is included, as well as t-belt covers, etc. I had not bought a timing set for it, so you would still need that.


The reason we pulled the engine is that it had stopped running when the previous owner neglected to put oil in it after draining the old oil. The bearings suffered a little (new bearings included, remember), but the main damage was a seized oil pump that then took out the timing belts, which caused the engine to stop running. I am including 2 oil pumps that I purchased from another board member - they're in nice shape. The water pump on it is newer. I'm not sure on condition of the HLA's - they're cheap to order.


I am not a shop, I was doing this with dad as a project (he has rebuilt 100's of engines in his life), and then life got busy for both of us. I cannot offer a warranty, as I will not be doing the work. The heads have the typical small cracks between the seats - not leaky at all. Believe us all when we say that you will not see a used head without these small cracks.


As far as things being soo much $$ in BC - we need these cars here. The wreckers know it, and charge accordingly. How many other places in North America have the climate and terrain that we have in the Kootenays? Obviously, not many, which explains why skiers/snowboarders/tele/etc. move here from all over the world. I'm guessing you may have moved here for those reasons yourself. Me, I'm local, born and raised - as were my parents.

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Thanks for the info Mike, and yes i moved back here for those reasons. In regards to the package offer, I think I will pass for now. However I may be in touch come spring if it is still around. I found some heads for $140 us, not cracked and shipped to GF. I found some lifters for like $40 that are rebuilds. I am just short on time, and I don't have the extra $$$ for another engine. Although it sounds like a good deal, and is probably a good thing to have around. I can get the head job done for what I had planned on the first go round. In the last year I have replaced: Timing belt, water pump, oil pump, plugs, wires, now heads, lifters, gasket set. I hope this engine lasts a bit now, I have too much invested for it to die again. But in the summer I'd like to build up a spare. So, mabye we'll talk then.



thanks Mike.



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