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Dual Fuel-aru?


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Does anyone know if this has been done yet? There was an article on Johnathon Goodwin in a recent issue of Fast Company. He can get 40MPG out of an H2 with a combination of either Diesel/Bio-Diesel/Ethanol and either natural gas or hydrogen. It also runs on an electric motor. That's not the half of it though. Not only do you getter ridiculous mileage, but DOUBLE the horsepower and torque. He is negotiating with UPS to convert several trucks which would offset UPS gas costs by 50%.


If that's not enough, he's engineered a new hybrid that utilizes a TURBINE engine which kicks on for a few seconds, in turn charging a set of supercapacitor batteries in seconds... This Kansan may very well be the saving grace for the American car manufacturer.:clap:

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