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CV Roll Pin/Tension Pin Question

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Hi All,


I need a recommendation for the proper size roll pin to get for the inner CV joint? And also where to buy?


I spent the better part of yesterday replacing an inner CV boot on my Brat. It's always slow going on this car. Every other bolt I loosen seems to break, then its off to the hardware store.


Anyway, the roll pin broke though I managed to get it out of the axle. So off to the hardware store again for a new one. They called 'em 'tension pins', and I bought one for 39c that I assumed was the right size, 1/4 x 2 inches. The other diameters were definitely too small or too big.


But for the life of me, it wouldn't go into the shaft. I know that everything was aligned well, and I got it started, but alas it is only partially through, and more hammering has just flattened out the top of the pin.


Suggestions Please? As always, I truly appreciate the help.


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These are not your standard roll pins. They have one way in and one way out (well they come out either way, but one direction is easier then the other).


This may be something you need to get from a real parts house or a dealer.



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Go to the dealer and get a set, they come in a bag of two pins, they are NOT that expensive. Make sure the beveled side of the axle hole lines up with the beveled side of the hole in the stub shaft, and drive the pin in from the beveled side. When you drive the pins out, they need to come OUT from the beveled side, meaning they have to be driven with the punch from the non-beveled side. If you are lucky enough to get there when the Mac tools truck is there, they carry the Subaru axle pin tool, it's like $20 but sometimes is on sale for $14, well worth the money.

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Thanks for the help everyone. I figure I will just go to the dealer to get a set. Darnit. I saw the beveled side of the axle, but did not notice if there was a beveled side to the trans shaft. Guess I will have to taker her apart again to and make sure that they are lined up correctly before putting the new pins in.


Hey one more question. I hate to admit that I wound up using zip ties to secure the CV boot because I didn't have any clamps on hand. Do I need to pick up subaru clamps, or can I get away with hose clamps from the hardware store?


Thanks everyone,


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