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Clutch Replacment Questions

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Car: 91 Loyale 4wd

Question: Time to replace the clutch in this thing. Need to know, will it be easier to drop the tranny, or pull the motor to get to everything? The work is going to be done in my open air garage, complete with gravel floor, and all the ellements. I don't have a engine hoist, but i have a decent sized floor jack, and should have all the hand tools that I'll need. Any helpfull hints on this job to eleminate any unneeded headaches? Never done a clutch replacment in a Subaru, and have more or less been a extra set of hands helping a few others on clutch jobs on their trucks.


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Dropping the transmission really isn't all that hard to do. Its just awkward and heavy to handle. However, moving it around on gravel is going to be extremely difficult to do so.


The engine might be easier to pull, but it will take quite a bit longer. However, without an engine hoist, you will want at least one other strong person to help lift it out.

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