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Found some strange behaviour in my automatic today (91' legacy 2.0 fwd)

What happened:

Car in front of me blown its rear tire and stopped without to many damage. I had to reverse quick to prevent getting hit by oncomming traffic manouvering onto my lane (i was stopped alread). Then while reversed on the wrong lane i had to be in my lane ASAP so stopped quick and front wheels locked up (meanwhile i put gear in N). Moved shifter to 3rd (just quick pushing it down passing D whas not really interested in looking at the gear shifter). Drove quickly away to my lane and slowed down. Now the moved shifter to D and there was no drive, back to 3rd and drive was engaged. Stopped and checked people in blown tire care, all ok. Put shifter in D and everything was fine (all gears normal shifting, no errors).

Any reason why drive was lost in D???

(speeds were low but little abrubt changing them from forward to reverse to forward)

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could be driver error.


But occasionally during a downshift from 3rd to 2nd with a speed of 70 to 80 km/h it also goes to neutral mode. Putting it back to 3rd or D gives Drive back. Strange thing is that during a flatout i can hit 110 km/h in 2nd so 70 to 80 should not be a problem. In the mountains driving down the mountain it is usually never a problem but sometimes it gets hard on the brakes when it is forced into Neutral.

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Well I was just looking into this for my '94, which seems to have a braking/slowing effect on the 2-3 upshift and slow 3-2 downshifts. The manual says...



If engine speed increases abruptly on 2-3 shift, or if there is a delay of more than 1 second on a 3-2 kickdown, excessive clearance between reverse clutch drum and band may exist, adjusting screw should be rotated clockwise. If there is a braking action on 2-3 shift, excessive small brake band clearance may exist and adjusting screw should be rotated counterclockwise.


If slipping occurs on a 2-3 shift, excessive small brake band clearance may exist. If transmission shifts directly from 1st to 3rd, excessive large brake band clearance may exist.


This is not an easy adjustment to do from what I know as the adjust and locknut thing is in a hard to access area. There is an article on http://www.endwrench.com about how to access the adjuster (for U.S. spec vehicles anyway)...

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Well I was just looking into this for my '94, which seems to have a braking/slowing effect on the 2-3 upshift and slow 3-2 downshifts. The manual says...



If engine speed increases abruptly on 2-3 shift, or if there is a delay of more than 1 second on a 3-2 kickdown, excessive clearance between reverse clutch drum and band may exist, adjusting screw should be rotated clockwise. If there is a braking action on 2-3 shift, excessive small brake band clearance may exist and adjusting screw should be rotated counterclockwise.


If slipping occurs on a 2-3 shift, excessive small brake band clearance may exist. If transmission shifts directly from 1st to 3rd, excessive large brake band clearance may exist.


This is not an easy adjustment to do from what I know as the adjust and locknut thing is in a hard to access area. There is an article on www.endwrench.com about how to access the adjuster (for U.S. spec vehicles anyway)...


Why do you have to make work for me :mad:


I was more then happy living with this thinking it was the 210,000 miles on blu but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo


you just had to go and post a reasonable explination


no :drunk: for you


(and this will have to wait for when i get back from chicago)



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Hi nipper I hope your trip is going well! hehe sorry to make work for you. Actually I'm not sure if the brake bands are adjustable with the external lock/adjust nut on all phase I 4eats?...might have to check out the 4eat service manual to see.


Hi rverdoold. It does look like a pain to do the adjustment. I don't know if its bad to drive it like that.

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When i replaced the oil i figured out it was overfilled a little bit (really not too much but more than it should be) and i remembered that the clutch pack was never engaged (i check this by driving 80km/h giving little extra throttle if the rpm increases immediately a little bit than its still driven in viscous coupling if it doesnt increase much (lets say 50 rpm more instead of 200 with viscous coupling) its locked up.

When i changed oil to the proper volume it worked better. but i guess it has not much to do with the brake bands. I also read that the lock-up works in 2 3 and 4th but until now i have only seen it happening in 4th.

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When i replaced the oil i figured out it was overfilled a little bit (really not too much but more than it should be) and i remembered that the clutch pack was never engaged (i check this by driving 80km/h giving little extra throttle if the rpm increases immediately a little bit than its still driven in viscous coupling if it doesnt increase much (lets say 50 rpm more instead of 200 with viscous coupling) its locked up.

When i changed oil to the proper volume it worked better. but i guess it has not much to do with the brake bands. I also read that the lock-up works in 2 3 and 4th but until now i have only seen it happening in 4th.


IN the lower gears its hard to pick up. I have flet it in third, and occassionally in 2nd., but since we pass through those gears for the most part, its not needed.



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