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More ea82 abuse!! Why do people try to...

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I am bad ...especially when I drive the XT6...45-50 in 30 zones ( unless its residential) usually around 80+ highway...and I beat the snot out of it..but it likes it..seems to run better if I dont baby it..I have pegged the speedo too ( at 135:eek: ) ...I am always a 10 or more over the speed limit kind of driver...I know..I am bad.



You sould just like my mom!:lol: And you almost the same age. She's 41.....


I don't even drive like her!:eek: I like my car......:grin:

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I am bad ...especially when I drive the XT6...45-50 in 30 zones ( unless its residential) usually around 80+ highway...and I beat the snot out of it..but it likes it..seems to run better if I dont baby it..I have pegged the speedo too ( at 135:eek: ) ...I am always a 10 or more over the speed limit kind of driver...I know..I am bad.


back on subject...around here the whole EA series is becoming rarer by the day..I have seen maybe 8 EA82s and 3 EA81s around...and toss in the XTs..even less...I pretty much know who has them

I'd drive JUST like you, if I didnt have the 3AT :dead:


But let me tell ya... when I had the 4EAT XT6...... man that baby hauled! I got her to 125-135 a few times. :cool:

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I'd drive JUST like you, if I didnt have the 3AT :dead:


But let me tell ya... when I had the 4EAT XT6...... man that baby hauled! I got her to 125-135 a few times. :cool:


Those poor 3ATs suck..At least you know and understand...those EJ27 love to haul...and feel good doing it.If I baby it..it will stall and give me grief..when I "play" it will purr like a kitten for weeks...Think I am taking the XT6 to work today instead of the Imp;) :headbang:

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Those poor 3ATs suck..At least you know and understand...those EJ27 love to haul...and feel good doing it.If I baby it..it will stall and give me grief..when I "play" it will purr like a kitten for weeks...Think I am taking the XT6 to work today instead of the Imp;) :headbang:


Even with the 3AT, I have got my coupe up to 110 a few times.... but the gearing is so crappy... and bad MPG to boot. People get kinda scared when they ride with me on the freeway, they think the car's gonna blow :lol:


I miss my old XT6 now :( Unfortunately had to scrap it due to paperwork issues :(

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I miss my DADs XT6, and i havent ridden in it since I was 13!


I drive EXACTLY like you do, connie, but I have the trans the cracker does... 3AT fartbox. My foot is on the floor almost constantly. I limit myself to about ten over, sometimes less.. but sometimes more :rolleyes: I haven't gotten a speeding ticket since I stopped driving the Z-car and started driving the soob, i LOVE it!!! My insurance is down to a ridiculously low monthly amount these days.


I beat the snot out of my car, and give it every single little thing it asks for as soon as I possibly can. I have found that being proactive about the use, and renewal of every aspect of the car is the best way to keep it going well. Cars that get babied too much wind up as couch-potatoes.. atherosclerosis of the PCV system, doncha know... ;)

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When did i ever say your a puss? I don't think anyones a puss:lol: I'm just saying i do go 30 in a 25mph. I don't go putt putt.. When i wanted to get up to 45 in a 30 i did 4000rpm only took 2-3 seconds. Strange!?


Don't you know that speeding leads to tickets. And tickets get expensive.

I've had three in a years time. Cost=$900.:rolleyes: Thats more than what I paid for my subaru, and twice what I paid for the old honda!

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Don't get me wrong. I do drive like an old man alot.. Some times doing 20 in a 25mph. But i'm not affraid to feed the gas to a limit....


And yep shes got A/C. But needs a recharge. No cold air.... I don't need it anyway. I'm a soob owner.. A man of the wilderness:lol:


You live in WI. You don't need ac!! I wish I had ac sometimes down here in the south!! It was 95+ most of the summer and humid. Come to think of it, I've never owned a vehicle with working ac.

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If you feel the need to post videos of subarus being beaten on that aren't yours, please post them up here:



Cluttering up the old gen with stupid videos of people beating cars is a PITA. There is a whole bunch of subaru abuse videos on Youtube, and before you guys find them and post them in individual threads, take it to another section of the board.


Bemoaning the death of a crappy 80's car and thumping your chest about how they should all be preserved and how you love them to death is foolish.


If you're on this board, it could be assumed that you like subarus. You don't need to prove to us how much you love them.


And, I fully support beating the hell out of old vehicles. Loads of cars and trucks are sent to the junkyard in fully operational condidtion. This is a waste of potential when you could beat them, then put them in the junkyard. Plus, it's loads of fun killing a car. You just have to know how to do it right, don't hit the radiator or oil pan, everthing else is fair game.

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You live in WI. You don't need ac!! I wish I had ac sometimes down here in the south!! It was 95+ most of the summer and humid. Come to think of it, I've never owned a vehicle with working ac.



Man that sounds like WI! That's pretty much what it was all summer.. I don't care about AC.. Open a window.:lol:

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