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Replacing fuel filter-depressurize?

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OK, first of all let me say that yes, I did a search but couldn't find anything relevant.

I know this is pretty basic stuff but thought I'd check anyway.

I'm looking at replacing the fuel filter on my '91 Legacy 2.2 and was just wondering if I need to release the pressure in the fuel system first. The End Wrench recommends to depressurize the system before doing anything to the fuel PUMP. Do I need to do the same as described here for the actual filter: http://endwrench.com/images/pdfs/FeedNov06EW.pdf

Or is it enough to just unscrew the fuel tank cap?

Anything else I should know?



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I've done it depressurizing and without; now I just open the gas cap some and wrap a shop towel around the fuel hose before pulling it off. Some fuel will spray out but not a ton. Wearing chemical splash goggles is always a good idea.


Here's a connector that can be undone if desired (this is how Haynes says to do it) then crank a few times:



Fuel filter:


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how did we manage before the internet


"We" just went ahead and did it.


Not all of "us!"


As modern cars got more electronically controlled by sensors and computers, I certainly got more intimidated. Felt like I no longer understood what was going on under the hood. Sure, I'd change oil and spark plugs but that was about it.


What changed? Well, I found USMB. Good people who would share, offer suggestions, give step-by-step instructions if needed. But mostly folks who give inspiration and assurance--"it can be done and, yeah, you can probably do it."


I for one am extremely thankful for the internet and especially this forum.


Mahalo and Aloha!

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