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New Brake pad squeal?

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Installed new pads last night (forgot what a NIGHTMARE twisting those pistons back in is!) and got a bit of a squeal when I test drove it.


Figured they just needed to bed in but this morning they got worse...I cringed every time I hit the brakes cuz I don't want peeps thinkin old subes are rattle boxes.


Several odd things I noticed while installing....


The shrink wrapped copper spring parts were only half complete - only a set for one caliper.


Then when I had the moly grease installed - the damn pads wouldn't fit in the caliper and comparing to the old ones, they seemed to be over sized due to poor manufacturing so I filed the tops down until they would fit in the groove.


Anways, I forgot the brand name (it was three letters, maybe mgx or something) but was wondering if anyone else had a bad experience with pads???


I'm look at 'em again tonight to see if I can spot why they arn't releasing....



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So this is where I get to call myself "Mc Fly".


I turned in the pistons but one of them wasn't lined up with the notch on the pad :-\


I also cleaned off all that moly grease cuz its only gonna collect brake dust and clog up the pad's travel at a later date.


Silent as a mouse now :banana: :banana:



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