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unfortunatly i have reason to believe that my head gaskets are on there way out for the second time.......i have a 1996 legacy 2.2 L. 185,000 miles. Does anyone know where i can get a set of inexpensive cylinder heads....already built (with cams,valves,retainers,etc...). Any help would be appreciated

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If you are having a problem with the heads and think they might be warped, go to a machinist and have them take a look at them. All they may need to do is deck the block and heads to give you a true surface. not very expensive, cheaper then new or good used heads.

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Right on, proper cleaning and surface finish are very important for the head gaskets. Is the second set OEM HG's?



I believe they are from what im told.....i just bought the car like 10K miles ago.....but ive already done the clutch and flywheel, and the timing belt......but it will be a great learning experience........do you know wheather it is easier to do the head gaskets with the engine in the car or out?....the left front one looks pretty difficult unless you remove the engine.....

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