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Tribeca vs Forester questions.

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Hi all, I'm thinking of trading in my Forester for a Tribeca. I have a few questions I'm hoping you guys and gals can help with.

My main reason for trading is I need a bigger storage space. Can anyone tell

me what the height and width of the hatch opening is? (btw, I'm only interested in the 2008 5-seat Tribeca).

Also, is there much more of a step-in height to the driver's seat?

For any Tribeca owners, how do you feel about the vehicle?


Thanks for all responses!


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Yep, that is why I gave up on the "big" Subarus and got a Chevy truck.


I had a Forester or two and was excited when I first heard about the Tribeca. The original Tribeca with the caveat of only Premium gas made the operating expense the same as my truck.


I still stayed loyal to Subaru by getting an Imp for commuting.


BTW my sister loves her Turbo Charged Forester and it meets 95% of her hauling needs. My truck gets called for the other 5%.

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