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ABS diagnosis connector location

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OK, I give. Ready to do the ABS sequence control, but I can't find the connector to jumper the terminals. I see the OBD II connector, and I see a white connector attached near the accelerator pedal sensor, but that one doesn't resemble the one I'm looking for. It's an '05 Legacy.

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Hello. Well not sure if it's the same for yours, but here's the locations for an '00obw. '05 could be different. There is a specific order of steps that must be done for the sequence control. Basically for '00obw it's ground pins 3 and 6 and then stepping on and holding the brake pedal right after putting ignition to run. There are articles on http://www.endwrench.com search archives for abs.



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Hi Sparky,


Don't mess with the white one hanging near the accel pedal, that aint it. Try the black, smaller one, closer to the brake pedal....my 2001 Forester had 2 wires hanging from it, presumably to use to jump the terminals. Let us know how it went.

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