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webber issues...bogging/dieseling

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Ok, I bought this beast (86 gl) with a webber on it. I did NONE of the mods to this car. It seems to diesel about half the time when I shut it off. It also bogs down/cuts out at WOT in 2nd gear. I know absolutely Jack about adjusting these engines/carbs. Is this normal? How do I adjust the mixture?


(noob<----------ME:dead: )


Thanks again......



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Dieseling can be caused by overheating, advanced ignition timing, glowing carbon in combustion chamber, and most commonly, idle speed too high. Does it idle around 800-900 rpm? It should.


Hesitating at WOT is can be caused by fuel starvation. Check fuel filters, fuel pump output, float level.

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Here is a link of how to adjust your carbs fuel/air at idle. This may help you out some but there might be more going on than just this being out of wack.




If that doesnt solve it check for vacuum leaks around the base of the carb and intake manifold. They will surely kill your performance. Also do you kno if that carb is jetted for a subaru or not? If not you gotta rejet it so that it will run correctly on your engine. In fact this is the question you must kno first. If you got any more problems you can ask me. Ive been fine tuning mine for a bit now and think i finally have it good. Good luck.

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Dieseling is normal when the Weber is installed by people that have no idea what they are doing.


On stock engines, there really should be no need for an anti-deiseling solenoid. Mostly those are useful for race engines that have mixture settings designed for WOT most of the time.


Idle mixture, idle speed, and timing are the key components. If these three are correct, there will not be any deiseling.


Bogging in second sounds like the carb is having a hard time transitioning from the idle circuit to the main circuit. Possibly the accelerator pump, or a vacuum leak near the throttle shafts or carb base. Could be a lot of things really. If you want to sort it out, you'll just have to learn about Weber's and probably end up redoing the install if not tearing the carb down and putting it back together *correctly*.



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