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CD player mount in ea81

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If you have the patience and a dremel tool you can do what my youngest son did with his '83 wagon. He took out the heater control panel and moved it down to where the radio console was (needed an extra long cable from another wreck to reach the extra distance on one side). This left plenty of room for an EA82 style radio mounting bezel. He'll finish as soon as he figures out the speaker wiring.

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I don't have a picture, but I went an easy way (well, easy for me): my center console was missing a radio anyway and was a bit cracked. With a dremmel I've cut out everything in the lower part where all the holes were (my console is more or less close to what Subieman has), then took a nice pine board, cut it to size, cut out rectangular opening, then trimmed to cover irregularities. A bit of lacquer -- and my fancy setup was ready. I just bolted it on from the inside with regular wood screws. I like the "wooden" look, but it could be painted to match the interior color perfectly.

Not very stock, but it's there, looks neat and plays CDs.


Hey, SubaruJunkie, is that shifter knob really olive GREEN like in your picture? I'd kill to find one llike it!!

(You're not interested inselling are you?)

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Ed have him get a roll of cheap speaker wire at Walmart and rewire the whole thing it is much easier and you get rid of the common Ground thing..

If he is just doing this to see if he can keep it stock then i suggest using a AA battery with speaker wire taped to the ends to use as a lead. When He touchs the wires to the correct +&- wires then the speaker will pop and or hiss. You can mark them out with tape or whatever from there.. It took me 5 minutes to do it that way... After i went through and made sure i knew where the voltage wires were.



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