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Glowing red.


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a cat ? isnt that the thing you have to remove so you can get more horspower ?



Isn't that the thing that can convert horrible nitrogen oxides into nice nitrogen and oxygen without screwing up the environment? CO2 isn't the only bad thing out of your exhaust you know.

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i know what a cat is and i know about the way it works but im sorry on my cars it comes off.


You do know that that is a violation of federal law. You could be fined very heavily. Let's hope for your sake there aren't any EPA employees on this site.


You are too young to have kids(probably). But when you do maybe you will see our future is worth more than the 5 hp you might get for you're toy.

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I don't believe in catalytic converters. Real cars don't need them, so why should Rob's Roo?


???????? WTF does this mean? REAL???? as oppossed to the imaginary ones? You can keep living in your're imaginary teenage bliss and pretend that "i don't wanna" is a good excuse for anything.......


But the real world fact is every car liscensed for use on US roads that came with a CAT is required to still have said CAT.

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But the real world fact is every car liscensed for use on US roads that came with a CAT is required to still have said CAT.

I beg to differ, my 1974 Ford Pinto has no cat, and was manufactured with one. My car would pass any emissions test that is intended for it's date of manufacture, Most likely it'd be even cleaner, as the various HP mods I've done make it burn MORE EFFICIENTLY. IE: EFI


As for the problem with the original poster's car, yes I agree you need a new catalytic converter. Seeing as how these parts can be EXTREMELY difficult to find, and even more expensive than the platinum involved, I'd reccommend a pair of hi flow aftermarket cats & a new front, or "head" pipe to be built.

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Come on guys, let's get back on topic. No amount of flaming/convincing is going to change whether or not Rob's rig (or anybody elses for that matter) has a catalytic converter. If they don't want to, then they won't. If they want to, they will. It's the way things have always been.


Yes, you're cat is probably clogged. How's the power? Lacking?

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My car didnt have a cat but i had to put one on to pass inspection. Either way you are still screwing up the enviornment by driving. i didnt have a cat but i rode my bike to work and on most short trips and thats WAYYY better than have a cat...


I have 2 cats, they tend to pollute the house with fur:lol:

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Sorry. But I find it my responsibility to let people know how something does a job, and why it should be used. Some people don't understand why they are of use (I didn't once) but now I do. And I'll keep letting everyone know that they should have one. Here in Australia you can (and will) get a $10,000 minimum fine if your 85 or older petrol car has no catalytic converter.


Diesel is different, it doesn't burn, and create the same chemicals petrol does. Yes, it is bad for the environment, but at least you can run it on pure bio fuel with no problems (like we do in our turbo diesel toyota.) And yes, on Bio diesel you will still see black smoke, but its no worse then a canola crop going up in smoke. Which for you people who don't know how bad that is, its no as bad as a crude oil pump going up in flames.

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i had a ford explorer with a clogged cat. glowed cherry red. it fould out the plugs and burned up the ign wires. i poked out the 2nd cat and changed the plugs, and made a 600% profit on the turnaround.


i had the exhaust off my legacy to swap the tranny and holowed out the cats just because they were looking at me, and come apart at the cats themselves(try doing a y pipe without cutting it!)


anyway, i do way more illegal things than drive with no cat so that is not a concern of mine

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cats are for suckers!

I work at harley, one year they had a cat in one pipe(05), the next year they had them in both pipes(06), now in o7 they have no cats because they figured out the fuel injection so they dont need them.

cats are like air suction valves, just more bs to remove, cats dont save the environment!

im driving a 1.8 and when a h2 passes me on the highway, something tells me hes doing a little more damage than my little motor with no cats or emissions what so ever.

and like miles says, i do pleanty of illegal stuff with/in cars, cats are the least of my worries.

gut it and never look back!

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Sorry. But I find it my responsibility to let people know how something does a job, and why it should be used.



Wise man.



Catalytic converters, when properly fitted, have absolutely no negative impact on the performance of the vehicle.


(BTW, sorry OP, but I gotta sound off on this.)


They are a honeycomb material, through which the exhaust gases flow. The exhaust heats the honeycomb material up to a point where the chemical nature of that material will combust any unburned gasoline vapors and also strip potentially harmful fumes into two relatively inert gases.


Just like mufflers and exhaust pipes, you can make em big enough to flow the gases of a 5000 cubic inch freight train engine if you want... and honestly, the pipe size involved is not much different from that of a muffler.


The reason they are looked at as such a restriction is because they so often get clogged; that honeycomb material is VERY VERY FINE and carbon buildup, once it begins, adds up quickly. Some seafoam into a vacuum line *may* help fix this, and should help prevent it, but there are no guarantees.


Personally, the cat on my soob is gutted. It was when I got the car. I am not feeling deadly remorse about it by any means... but if I were in better financial shape and had some cash to burn, I would love to pickup or fab up a new Y pipe and put a real cat on. It's called covering your rump roast... after all, theres over 300 million of us being jackasses and pumping out more smog each day than we breathe in the USA alone. That number isn't going anywhere but up.


The point is, don't be so incredibly flippant about it. If this user's solution is to gut his cat, or chop it off, then let him know that the judgment call is there for him to make. Don't do something like suggest it as the single most natural thing to do; thats almost akin to being a dope-pusher.


I, too, do far "worse" things than driving around with a gutted cat, but I am darn sure that should a cop somehow get into inspecting it and confirm that its empty, I am liable for a VERY expensive ticket. Anyone in the United States who is caught with a vehicle (post '75?) that came with a cat, that has been deleted, on the streets, IS liable to Federal Charges. They don't PROSECUTE these cases all the time, but the fact is still the same.


The cat is there to catch gases that, ideally, the engine shouldn't have put out anyhow. Sure, your motor may burn perfectly clean for emissions testing, but in real life, driving down the street, the total mass of the pollutants emitted by your engine in it's lifetime will be LESS with a cat on it than without.


I say, Cover Your rump roast. Or is that for hippies?



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I say, Cover Your rump roast. Or is that for hippies?




Oh NAW man, Hippies go nekkid!!:banana:


Yes my car DOEs pollute more than if it had a cat. HOWEVER it pollutes less than it would in it's stock form.

I'm a "no budget" kind of guy, I have to fix my own stuff by necessity, seeing as it's a federal crime to sell used cats at a junkyard, buying new ones is not always an option for some. Including myself. They are EXPENSIVE, no matter how or where you buy them new. Used is NOT an option, therefore the government has legislated lawbreaking. Am I guilty of breaking this law? MAYBE:grin: Would I obey this law if it were financially feasable? ABSOLUTELY. With a smile on my face. Would I scrap my car for a cat? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! I simply do what I have to to keep my own cars going in the absence of the cash to fix them in accordance with the law.


No rants here, just the facts :headbang: Rock on

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Yes my car DOEs pollute more than if it had a cat. HOWEVER it pollutes less than it would in it's stock form.
How can you be so sure? It may be making less pollutants, but it will probably be making much more of the harmful ones. And I'm not just talking about ones that cause global warming. I'm talking about the ones that give you cancer and kill plants and so on. Last time I checked, people can't live without plants. But go ahead. If you understand how they work and how they are good and still choose not to have one, thats all I can do. Have a nice day.
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Still not ranting, and Thanks, I AM having a nice day :)


I DO understand how they work, and why they're good. I honestly would prefer to have a cat on my car. I just can't afford to buy one. Here in the 'States you CANNOT buy them from the wreckers, it's illegal for them to sell used cats. New cats are EXPENSIVE, be they aftermarket, or OEM. An OEM cat for my '74 Pinto is non-existant anyways.


You have a g'day yourself, even if you're upside-down. :lol:

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Oh NAW man, Hippies go nekkid!!:banana:

Once in a while, yes. Its rather liberating.




I'm a "no budget" kind of guy,


Me too; some things get filed in the "S#!+ Happens" folder... but when you reach the line of automatically chucking it in the trash for the sake of chucking it in the trash, you have reached the bounds of idiocy.


Honestly, I don't think anyone has tried to say much more than that.

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Honestly, I don't think anyone has tried to say much more than that.

Me either :)

In my 1st post I reccommended aftermarket cats, then got crushed under a wall of GREEN!!!!:lol:

I'm all for the environment, but it's a "political" issue, and a GREAT way to start an argument!:eek:

Still havin a great day here :) No :Flame: in sight

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Gone nanners in TN:grin:

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