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UAFC: Ultra Air Fuel Controller


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UAFC is a low cost programmable MAP or MAF voltage scaler.


Product Features:


* $60 for the version which works with 0-5 volts MAP and MAF sensor

* $90 for the version which works with 0-10 volts MAP and MAF sensor

* 255 point (16 MAP vs 16 RPM) MAP or MAF correction table

* Works upto 15300 RPM

* Datalogging of MAP/MAF, RPM, and 2 external voltage channels

* USB connectivity


UAFC is a low cost computer programmable MAP or MAF voltage scaler. It works on the same principle as other MAP/MAF voltage scaling piggyback fuel controllers. Through it's 255 point fuel correction table, 16 RPM rows vs 16 MAP/MAF columns, UAFC offers great ability to control the fueling of your engine. UAFC features USB connectivity to download fuel correction tables and datalogging. To hook up UAFC you will need to wire up the following to UAFC; 12v, ground, MAP or MAF, and RPM.


To be honest, if there are low cost solutions to chip your ecu; chrome for honda, Enginuity for subarus, etc..., you should use those solutions. If those options are not available and you need a low cost and effective solution for fuel management then UAFC is a great choice.

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  Reveeen said:
If you wanted fuel "fooling" just use an adjustable fuel regulator.



I tried that. No change in back to back dyno runs with AFR logging on the EA82T engine.


hte purpose of the device would be if you added 550cc injectors....

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looks like you could actually benefit from it. if you are running larger injectors and an adjustable fpr, the ecu most likely isnt going to keep up with the fueling, either running too rich or too lean, at least with with afc of some sort, you can manage the fueling of the engine. it gives you the opportunity to shorten or lengthen the injector pulses, depending on your needs. only reason i didnt have one on my rx was that no one i knew of made one that worked with the old school suby maf's. personally, i would like to run megasquirt. but for the moment, if this will help keep the engine from leaning out on me, ill take it.



hey Will, thanks for posting this.


ill look into it, when i get my car on the road and get the ea82t built back up, ill let you all know ohow well it works out, unless someone else beats me to it, which im sure they will cause im still poor.

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it might work well for you; sounds like it can't hurt to try. You might want to try to find some sort of spark control band-aid to complement the additional fueling.. and you *might* just hit on an easy combination for simple, "bolt-on" control for a low budget EA82T tweaking.

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I don't know about the UAFC, just not a big fan of piggy backing (thats just me though), but this sounds more scientific then the get bigger injectors and "tweak" the flapper spring.


The Wideband O2 sensor setup looks pretty interesting always wanted one. If it works as good as he says you could save ~ $200. But the real question is what is NAW?


Next Another Wideband?

New Another Wideband


I kinda like DIY electronics kits, fun to make then debug because you soldered something wrong.


For $60 to $90 I say go for it!!! Let the results speak for themselves.


Thanks for the link!

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Ea81t and ea82t don't have ignition problems when boosting power, they have fuel problems..The late model ea82t ignition system is very sensitive and highly responsive to knock it is calibrated to the factory knock sensor and is self programmable pulling and advancing timing based on fuel octane and knock activity..

What ea82t have problems with is supplying enough fuel to allow increased boost and bigger turbochargers...

A solution like this would allow us to successfully scale our afm signal to trick the ecu into sending the correct pulse width to drive bigger injectors correctly..Our ecu is still doing the work of actual fuel delivery and ignition spark..


What I don't know is what happens when the afm maxes out? This is what separates the men from the boys as far as AFCs are concerned..It's not like we can stick our maf sensor into a bigger tube like the later model ej boys can do when they start out flowing their MAF sensors..

We also don't know what signal level the factory ecu interprets from the afm that says cut fuel..


If we increase boost and fuel we will flow more air and there's only so much we can rescale our maf signal before the AFC is sending enough MAF voltage to cause the ecu to cut fuel....Of course we could just add another maf sensor in parallel.. ;)


Having said all that we still have the problem of how to keep our stock head gaskets in place..


But since detonation is also a factor in the head gasket failure of our engines..Maybe keeping det from happening will allow our engines to survive a bit longer until the next weakest thing lets go..


I heard a rumor that 85 to early 87 ea82ts had forged pistons..True? False? I dunno def. OT though :clap:



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when you go to a larger maf housing on the stock ECU and you dont have access to the intake calibration maps...it makes it nearly impossible to make it run correctly. It would be safe to say I've got more experience in that area than anyone else on here.


However, it would be EXTREMELY safe to say that on the stock VF7, or the TD04L-13G (stock WRX turbo), I dont think we have to worry about maxing out the MAF below 20 psi boost levels.


However, if someone is going more and bigger...you are going to need an emanage/MS+/standalone (AEM/Hydra) anyhow. You should not be messing with the UAFC/SAFC simple stuff.



My idea was for when I do get an EA82T again, stock turbo w/ported wastegate with slightly built internals, EVO injectors and the other usual bolt ons.


Like PoorMansImpreza said, the 87~91 EA82T stock ignition control is absolutely AWESOME. The tiny rump roast injectors is the problem. Fuel pump and injectors, and something to scale the fuel delivery back...voila, problem solved.


The one issue that arises from that is that you are putting the ECU in a lower load cell by fooling the ECU into thinking its in a lower load state....so it automatically runs more timing in the lower load states. Solution: manually retard the disty.


Done. Tune fueling w/innovate wideband.


Its a good idea. It works with 10v MAFs. I'm going to try it when I get another EA82T car.

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and this is why Will is the man!!


not that i ever lost hope for hte ea82t, but now i know there is more of a chance to do what i want to do with mine when i get it built up.



on a side note, when did you move to mt. airy? i have family in that area.

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  WJM said:
No...the whole reason we cant get the SAFC to work correctly is that its a 10v MAF. I was reading where SubaruTex got it working somehow...but I never found details.


Working? Yes. Actually functioning correctly? No.


The SAFC had a very limited range it could help in (due to the 10 volt maf).

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  Subarutex said:
Working? Yes. Actually functioning correctly? No.


The SAFC had a very limited range it could help in (due to the 10 volt maf).


Which is what I figured but I didnt want to say anything until i got confirmation from you.


thanks for the info!

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Because the ECU operates on the 0-10v range...so does the MAF.


if you install an EJ MAF, the ECU is confused and the car will not run. EJ MAF is 0-5v.


I've done this before. It doesnt work.


You cant just swap MAF of different types and diameters and expect it to work.

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