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Having a problem going up hills

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Tune that baby up!


EA 82s ARE underpowered...... but you should be able to take *most* hills in at least 3rd gear.


Change your:


-Air/fuel filters


-cap/rotor etc.


Could also be a plugged cat converter (check 'er at night after going for a drive - make sure its not glowing red)


Hows your cooling system / temp gauge?


Edit: Is it carbed or F/I ? If its carbed.... give it a good cleaning/spraying

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If it's carbed, shouldn't it have a vacuum advance? If none of the normal maintenance helps, I would think that may be it, if it's having problems under heavy load like that. Just an idea though...

It should have a vac advance but it doesn't do anything under load. (Full throttle)

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