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Alrighty, I did the super-secret "connect the test leads and watch the CEL blink" thing on my Impreza and got 3 codes. (24, 12, and 32... 24 is a faulty b solenoid - makes perfect sense as TC lockup is heinously slow and that's been my major issue with the car). Gotta say, this is SO COOL! Green connection didn't have anything to give, just blinked normally. I reset the ODBI by connecting both sets of leads & following the instructions, but now it doesn't seem to record anything... just blinks normally when I test with the two black leads.


For example, I can always count on the TC not locking up as soon as it should be, so wouldn't that be recorded? Checked it when I drove it to work (didn't lock up this AM) and again this PM (lockup occurred). Or do I have to drive it for a week straight before it records something? :)


Thanks in advance. :D

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UHH..... sorry to say, but the codes you are reading for the ECU are not the ones for the TCU.


Code 24 is the Bypass air control solenoid. Not the Lockup solenoid of the trans.


Code 32 is an O2 ensor fault


And Code 12 is a starter signal fault.


12 can be triggered by a simple tap of the key without starting. It's a "ghost code"


32 can happen in a similar manner from a bad connector, or even a tank of cheap gas.


the fact that the codes aren't coming back is a sign that things are good, and you probably have some minor corrosion/connection issues. Or you have an O2 and a Bypass solenoid on the way out.



TCU is a seperate box and blinks it's codes on either the POWER light or the AT TEMP light, depending on the model.

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  • 2 weeks later...

DURH! I knew that was too easy. I got the secret handshake and test leads confused. :)


The power light blinks

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 32, 33


Imp. manual says:

11 Duty solenoid A

12 Duty solenoid B

13 Shift solenoid 3

14 Shift solenoid 2

15 Shift solenoid 1



24 Duty solenoid C

32 Vehicle speed sensor 1

33 Vehicle speed sensor 2


Okay, call me :confused: or :drunk:, but does this seem excessive to anyone? I mean, hitting all the solenoids doesn't exactly seem like winning the slots to me. ;)

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does your POWER light blink 16 times when you first start the car?

it would be a good idea to clear them all and check it again later, that is a bunch of codes.


have you ever had any major work done to this vehicle - requiring engine or transmission removal?

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does your POWER light blink 16 times when you first start the car?

it would be a good idea to clear them all and check it again later, that is a bunch of codes.


have you ever had any major work done to this vehicle - requiring engine or transmission removal?


Nope, and nope as far as I know of - I bought the car used with 133k on it w/original trans & engine.

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Clear the codes, then drive some more. Check again. ome one may have driven the car without the harne hooked up or something one time, and it could still be on record. Or, you could have a bad connector at the trans, or at the TCU.

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I might guess that the TCU could be screwed up, if after clearing codes and they all (or most) return I'd swap a TCU in before attempting a repair of the trans. As usual a proper inspection of wiring and connectors is in order but it would be highly unlikely for all that to go bad and still be driving... I wouldn't sweat it just yet.

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