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I think he mean the Fuel dampner in the supply and return lines. SPFI GL/Loyales have 1 in each line very close to the TB. They are to "smooth out" or prevent spikes in the pressure in the fuel line, and provide a constant presure at the injector. However, many people have removed them without issue.

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Thanks For The Info Get Rid Of Them

No one is telling you to get rid of them. There has never been a documented case where they have caused problems, except maybe leaking.


Subaru installed them for a reason. Whether or not they are truly needed, well, that's up for debate.

IMO, just leave 'em be unless they're leaking or you've exhausted all other items that could be causing a running problem.

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They really can't clog - there's nothing inside them. It's just an open space used as an "expansion" chamber for fuel pressure spikes. If the pickup tube in the tank sucks air for a few seconds, these smooth out the fuel flow so the injectors see constant pressure.


Removing them is just stupid. It's costly (FI line is expensive), and uneccesary. And besides occasionally rusting out, they never fail either.



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