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Wheel bearing is going..

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I want to pick up a used hub and put new bearings in it,then just swap out hubs.My car is an 89 GL 4dr sedan 1.8 with a D/R 5 speed.What years would the front hubs interchange? I need the drivers side if anyones selling one that would fit.

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You don't need an extra hub. The wheel bearing(s) are just two conventional ball bearing assemblies with a spacer in between. Just pull the axle, beat the seals and bearings out, tap the new stuff in, replace the axle, and you are good to go.


I use sealed ball bearing assemblies, pulling the inner seal out, checking the grease and allowing extra grease I put in the center (where the spacer lives) to get at the bearings. New axle seals are always a good idea.


Bearings run me here $4 for el-crapo Chinese (each) to $15 for SKF (each) (sorry I don't have the number handy)

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Reveeen is right, the fronts are really easy to do. As long as everything goes well :) Since your in the same area as I am, I know the elements never really let anything go easy. So if you want to keep the car on the road, and make sure it doesn't have any downtime, then another hub is a good idea. Providing you can get it really cheap. But honestly, with the front, you should be able to get it done quickly. I've done them on my previous GL's also. But, if your planning on keeping the car, spend the extra couple bucks for the good bearings, and grease them up good!

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Thanks.The idea was to do a quick swap so the car wasnt down,but I think ill just swap them.Any idea as far as NAPA part #'s?I can get deals through a local one with no tax.Is it a kit with bearings and seals,or seperate items.

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