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Right Rear Fender 86 Wagon


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Hi there:


Does anyone know, if the right rear fender on an '86 4WD wagon can be easily replaced? Mine was dinged by a previous owner and then rusted through at the bottom. I'd like to replace rather than bondo it.


Also, where can I find a replacement drivers seat? Mine is all torn on the door side and rather broken down do it leans to the left a bit. What would it cost?


It doesn't accelerate at all below about 4500rpm, and I'll have to look at the plugs, timing etc. Getting up to 60 probably would take 30 sec's! It's carbed and making I guess about 86hp normally. Just doesn't feel right. It's my first Soob and I like it but it's a joke how slow it is. Still it starts easily enough and it was certified only 2 months ago and cost $600.00!


It's gonna be a project.




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Any one know where I can grab a drivers seat cheap in good shape?


Also anyone know if it's normal for an 86 4WD Wagon-carbed (What would be the model name a GL?) to make no power off the bottom end? Start to roll at 4500rpm.


Last question, how stiff would you expect the clutch to be? My wife drives a standard fine but can't push my clutch to the floor! Way too stiff for her.


Thanks people,


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I have driven many different subarus with differing clutches. If its so still that its hard to push to the floor there may be a problem. The one in my car is stiff, but the one in hondasucks turbowagon is WAY stiffer. Try disconnecting the hill holder cable (goes from the brake booster to the clutch fork) and that may make it easier. you probably should install some sort of weaker spring on there in its place though as the hill holder partly acts as a clutch return spring.


These cars should not take 30 seconds to get to 60, the engine maybe screwed or the carb needs adjustment. 0-60 time should be more in the 10-12 second range for carbed models. Not fast, but faster than a Yugo :D

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I just started my wifes 93 Camry 5spd. I thought the clutch was broken! It just went right to the floor! It is however hydraulic. Mine can't be right. I tried setting the hill-holder, clutch and brake down together right? and then let go of brake, and so on. This thing obviously needs something ajusted. I'm 5"11" and 200+ lbs and I find it stiff as hell. If it was near worn out and had been adjusted very tight to compensate that would explain it wouldn't it?


As to acceleration. In neutral the car revs freely, but in gear below 4500 rpm it's making noise but not really pushing. I need to get a nearby NJ Soob guy to try it and clue me in as I have no Soob experience to compare this to!




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Your clutch is dead, you need a new clutch and pressure plate. I got a car from Paul (Moosens) like that once...that was a fun ride home. It wouldn't move at all under 5K RPMs and 6KRPMs on the freeway got it to about 50 miles an hour...


If your emissions cert came out fine, it's probably not a carb problem.


As for the seat, post a WTB advert in the Subaru Marketplace forum, and specify year and interior color (and condition desired) and a couple people will get back to you.


Welcome aboard!


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