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Getting Into Rally Racing???


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I was tossing around the idea of buying an older AWD Soob and entering a rally race or two for fun. I know absolutely NOTHING about it. I grew up around drag racing, but have never actually seen a rally race in person. I have a few questions:


1) Is there like a citizens class where I can run a pretty much stock car w/o installing a fancy roll cage


2) I live in Kentucky. Are there any events anywhere near me, or is all this in the west coast?


3) What kind of entry fees am I looking at? Any requirements to belong to any sanctioned organizations in order to compete?

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I was tossing around the idea of buying an older AWD Soob and entering a rally race or two for fun. I know absolutely NOTHING about it. I grew up around drag racing, but have never actually seen a rally race in person. I have a few questions:


1) Is there like a citizens class where I can run a pretty much stock car w/o installing a fancy roll cage


2) I live in Kentucky. Are there any events anywhere near me, or is all this in the west coast?


3) What kind of entry fees am I looking at? Any requirements to belong to any sanctioned organizations in order to compete?

Check with the closest SCCA club to you. They might be active in rallycross which is the least expensive version to start out in.
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What edrach said.

And To get into the through the woods stage rallies you would have to have a cage. Even for the "stock" classes. (rally tires and other safety equipment would be needed as well.) Entry fees can be quite a bit and You would need the right license for it.

RallyCross is tons of fun and can be done pretty cheap as long as you have a good helmet (most times they have loaners on hand as well) and a sound vehicle. Plus it gives you a chance to see if you like it enough to spend all the $$$ on stage rallies. But I'm thinking 99% of the people who try it get hopelessly hooked, I know I did. :)

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