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2008 Alcyone Dragon Meet

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Thanks to Huck369 for this writeup.


Well boys and girls

I thought I'd post up some info on the 2008 Alcyone Dragon Meet


It will again be held at Fontana Village Resort on June 26th-29th


Reservations can be made at: 800.849.2258


It's always a very "informal meet" more about the people than anything else.

Usually some driving, bench racing, picture taking, bench racing, cookout, bench racing,...(see a pattern forming?)


I think that everyone that attends always leaves with lots of great memories, and several new friends!



So come on out!!


Be sure to post if you plan on attending....



I'll try to post more as I can....


And copied from the XT6 site..



The GOOD news is that we are getting the "dragon slayer" discount, which is 15% off any cabin and 25% off any room. Just mention that you are with the Subaru Alcyone group and ask for the "dragon slayer" discount when you reserve your room/cabin/campsite. The discount is good for ANY room/cabin, even those not on reserve for us, and even after the reserve date is up.


The thing to do at this point would be to call and make a reservation if you plan on going, even if you want something that is not available. There are 85 rooms at the lodge on reserve for the Solstice/Sky group until May 1st, and I was told that they have very little chance of actually filling them. That means that if you reserved a dogwood cabin now and called on May 1st you could switch your reservation from the cabin to the room and still get the discount. That way, if all else fails you will still have the dogwood and you aren't left out in the cold. The same goes for those of you wanting Laurels cabins. If you want one of those, call group sales and ask for the date that they come off reserve so you know when to switch.

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What crazyhorse said...just come on out...Last year we had his Lego and another member was there in an Imp..plus a Mazda I think...I dont know if I will have Rocky there this year but if i do go I will either have him or Holly.

And BTW I am getting a camp sight which is big enough to put 10 tents on..And I am willing to share

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