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'99 Legacy Brighton: Engine revving at high RPM in neutral or w/ clutch in

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Help! My Legacy is revving up when it is in neutral or when I put the clutch in to shift gears. When I've got it in gear, it seems fine. This started two days ago when the temp. in Duluth went sub-zero! Something stuck?


I appreciate any advice you can offer.

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When I depress the the clutch pedal, it revs up, even when it's in gear.


What happens wehn you stop in gear and just hold the clutch in at a red light. Does it still rev?


Usually the Idle Air Control Motor controlls the idle speed, It can be dirty or frozen.




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Actually, I don't have a tachometer in my Brighton. That makes it pretty tough to answer your first question, but it seems to reach a certain level and stay there. As for the second question: Yes, it does this even after it's at normal operating temp.


Revs how high (RPM)?


Does it still do it when the engine is fully warmed (based on the temperature gauge)?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, when I peeked under the hood at the throttle body, it looked as if one of the pulleys had gotten stuck on the rubber cap that covers the tube that feeds the wire to the assembly. The rubber cap was still stuck in the pulley. I guess I was lucky! Thanks to all who posted. I hope I didn't waste your time. --D--


Actually, I don't have a tachometer in my Brighton. That makes it pretty tough to answer your first question, but it seems to reach a certain level and stay there. As for the second question: Yes, it does this even after it's at normal operating temp.
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