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Reaplacing Driver side Rocker Cover Gasket

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These work great, especially on the back bolt on the EA82:




Runs $33.05 from Snap-on, and worth every penny IMHO.

You can see the catalog page here:



Item # is RTBM10


Dang it USMB just cost me $33.05 and made my Snap-on guy a little happier and richer.

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Yeah, I would go to the local guy, you aren't going to save anything buying it off the internet once you factor in shipping, plus you're helping the local guy feed his family. That tool will pay for itself in saved frustrations, bloody knuckles, and swearing, the first time you use it.

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hehe ok yes I'll check out the dealer locator. Ah there it is, I didn't see it the first time because it says 'franchisee locator'. Hm it gives me Branch Name: Greater NY Telephone: 1-888-773-0331. I'll have to give a call. Hm a google search shows snap-on is looking for franchisees in Buffalo on careerbuilder.com maybe I don't have a dealer cry2.gif


The risk in going into the tool truck will be getting all pie eyed love1.gif and coming out with a bunch of great tools but a light wallet.

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Ok, I rocked it out with a swivel head wrench. I had to get underneath the car and feel my way to the back bolt of the rocker cover. I replaced every gasket on the cover. 90 minutes. Now we shall see if that stopped the mother of all leaks. I must add, the gasket was dry rotted. I was a little surprised since its only a 2000 with 130K.

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If that doesn't stop it, it very well could be the rear access cover, Good news is a new rear access cover, a metal one to replace the s%*%&$ plastic one that likes to leak, is under $20 from your friendly Subaru dealer, bad news is the access cover is behind the flywheel.

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