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Sorry Guys just have to ask..

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Sorry Guys just have to ask only because I cant seem to recall where I saw this about 3 months ago..


It was a really cool pic of someones EA82 in action covered in mud .. the car had a HOOD SCOOP added on it and BIG MUD TIRES with the headlights on.. Windshiled wipers going, pushing the mud off the windshield.. Pic was just cool as ************...


I want this pic for a screen saver.. I had it as a screen saver at work but some dumb rump roast non SUBARU LOVER erased it...


Anyone recall this pic or where it's located, I looked at most of the albums here and still cant find it again .. Cant help but look for it, its about the only thing that takes my mind away from work somedays and keeps me sane LOL since I dont have a window to look outside ...


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